Definition of



Help can be a help.

Help is a term from the Latin auxilĭum that is used to refer to the help, protection or assistance given to someone . For example: “Go ask for help! Martita fell into the well” , “The police responded instantly to the call for help” , “The captain asked the Prefecture for help since the storm destroyed the controls of the boat” .

Help is assistance that is requested or provided . Whoever calls for help needs help to get out of a risky situation: a family that suffers a robbery, a man whose house is on fire, a child who is trapped in the middle of a flood or an airplane with technical failures need help. Said request, therefore, can be responded to by a person or organization that provides assistance.

First aid

First aid is the immediate procedures and techniques provided to victims of an accident or sudden illness . This is first aid since it constitutes the first attention given to the person in trouble and, due to its characteristics, can save his or her life.

If a man is drowning at sea and another person jumps in to rescue him, the rescued person will need medical attention. First aid can be provided by your rescuer or another individual on shore, consisting of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and the provision of some shelter to prevent hypothermia. After this first aid, more advanced medical assistance will follow, which will be provided in an ambulance or hospital.

Health care

First aid is provided immediately to anyone who suffers an accident.

Different types

On the other hand, there is also what is known as denial of assistance . In Spain we can say that, under that term, there is a crime committed by any other person who, in an absolutely unjustified manner, decides to carry out disobedience of an action or request that has been carried out by the relevant authority.

All of this without forgetting that, within what would be the scope of law, there is what is known as administrative assistance . This is a term that is used to refer to the help or assistance that, within the scope of the administration, two bodies or authorities that belong to different orders provide each other.

In the same way, you must know that there is what is called a judicial aid body , which is an area of ​​the field of Justice in which officials work who are in charge of carrying out everything from communication acts to archiving functions. going through actions in which they act as judicial police.

Social Assistance

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore that during the Spanish Civil War there was an organization called Auxilio Social . Included within the Falange was the same that was defined as a humanitarian aid entity that was supported by donations from the wealthiest families, which became almost impositions and measures of social pressure for them.

Soup kitchens or hospices for orphans were those created by this organization, which also had a marked propaganda air. Well, by helping the population most in need, what he was doing was conveying the idea that the national forces would be backing them and supporting them in whatever they needed.