Definition of


Food self-sufficiency

Self-sufficiency can be, based on its field of implementation and the characteristics it presents, nutritional, emotional, financial, spiritual, etc.

Self-sufficiency is a concept that, in practice, has a wide and diverse field of application. The definition of this word accounts for the condition or ability of something or someone to supply itself independently, by itself. It is, therefore, synonymous with self-sufficiency .

There is, to cite an alternative as a reference, food self-sufficiency , which points to a model of local food production capable of satisfying the nutritional demand of those within the same nation or region. Urban gardens , in this framework, contribute to the economy and the quality of the diet of many families, since they invite people to consume fruits or vegetables grown in their own homes.

Energy self-sufficiency , an option that allows someone to reduce their carbon footprint and use renewable energy to cover the electricity needs of a company or home, is another variant to which economic self-sufficiency and emotional self-sufficiency are added. For example.

Why is it important to achieve, in multiple aspects, self-sufficiency ? Because it allows an evolution, development or progress marked by autonomy , freedom and a power of personal decision that guarantees "non-dependence" with respect to another being or system.

Foundations of self-sufficiency

The foundations of self-sufficiency revolve around commitment, responsibility, independence and the ability to adapt. Each individual must strengthen their self-esteem and incorporate resources (material, academic, spiritual, etc.) to be able to face each need without having to request assistance or wait for a neighbor to solve a problem.

The entrepreneurial spirit also contributes to self-sufficiency , as well as the will and decision to take risks, relying on oneself, knowing that there are chances of making mistakes and that the path taken alone is usually longer and more sacrificial than the one that seeks cooperation and the union of forces in pursuit of a group objective.

Self-sufficient homes

Self-sufficient homes are achieved by designing and conditioning them so that their supply and operation have an independent profile. In its facilities, thanks to sustainable architecture and the incorporation of devices, mechanisms and technological innovations, beneficial practices for the planet are observed, such as the use of alternative energies or the adoption of efficient irrigation systems .

Energy efficiency in the home is recommended and necessary because it allows you to save money, be independent when it comes to obtaining electricity , and benefits the environment .

Of course, simultaneously with the renovations or investments to live in a sustainable place, that space must be accompanied with a sustainable life that ranges from a responsible consumption style and an inclination towards recycling to an effort that translates into an optimal level of waste reduction and a deep connection with nature .

home remedies

In pursuit of well-being and health care, many people trust in the healing power of home remedies and natural medicine, in addition to betting on the cultivation of medicinal herbs to take advantage of certain properties of some plants.

Self-sufficiency at the service of food

Self-sufficiency in the service of food involves a set of practices related to horticulture and agriculture , in addition to responsible methods of raising animals intended for human nutrition, procedures for optimal food conservation and techniques intended for the storage stage. of groceries .

The self-sufficient style is favored, for example, producing organic fertilizer at home through composting and appealing to permaculture , a philosophy with social, political, economic and agricultural scope that proposes an independent and sustainable style to manage water, generate energy, manage waste, produce food, etc.

Organic agriculture , meanwhile, is a modality that brings together practices aimed at obtaining healthy products through actions that respect farmers but also nature since it implies a lower percentage of pollution , crop rotation and more fertile soils .

Alternative energies

Renewable energies, such as wind energy and solar energy, promote sustainability.

Self-sufficiency in the search for fulfillment

In the search for fulfillment , a large number of individuals appeal to customs, techniques and initiatives that depend on oneself to reach the expected result. Although in matters related to health it is always advisable to consult professionals trained in traditional medicine and follow their instructions, many times the path of self-sufficiency is chosen to achieve balance and obtain comprehensive well-being .

It is key, for example, to do meditation and mindfulness if you want to connect with your inner self and carry out deep internal work on self-knowledge , just as there are alternatives to consider if you want solid, long-term financial independence . To embrace success in this regard, it is essential to focus on personal development , empower yourself in terms of personal finances and savings , overcome difficulties, set goals, deploy creativity or an entrepreneurial spirit to grow professionally and find a way to be self-sufficient and trust in the benefits of self-management . It is common, to describe some realities as a guide, for one or more members of the same family to carry out microenterprises to earn income.

Making and selling handicrafts , taking gastronomic courses in order to earn a living by marketing healthy home cooking menus or learning to knit with the intention of selling clothing, accessories or woven decorations are maneuvers that reflect the desire to fend for oneself, enjoy autonomy and face daily life with self-sufficiency .