Definition of



A sponsorship is a sponsorship.

A contribution, usually financial, so that a certain action can be carried out is known as sponsorship . The people, companies or organizations that sponsor are known as sponsors .

For example: “This morning, with the sponsorship of the local municipality, a new edition of the Cultura Sin Fronteras artistic festival was held,” “The director of the channel told me that we need to get new sponsorship if we want our program to continue broadcasting,” “ We appreciate the sponsorship of Mersop SA for holding this event.”

Sponsorship as sponsorship

In a broader sense, as detailed in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), sponsorship is sponsorship , protection or assistance that is provided. Suppose a club plans to hold a non-profit sporting event. To develop the event, it requires the financial assistance of companies or individuals willing to help. Finally, thanks to the sponsorships gathered that allow it to cover expenses, the club manages to carry out the meeting.

Getting sponsorship from companies and individuals to carry out a project is not easy, and requires a lot of promotional work. No one wants to invest their money in an unpromising or poorly presented plan. On the other hand, sponsorship often hides the twisted intention of a favor in exchange that is not clearly expressed at the time of the agreement.


In ancient times, auspices were the practice of predicting the future according to supposed signs that could be noticed by observing birds.

an omen

Auspice can also be an omen or a sign . In ancient times, the idea of ​​auspices referred to the practice of predicting the future based on supposed signs detected in birds . The fortune tellers ( augurs ) observed the sky and, according to the birds they found and their behavior, made favorable or negative predictions. The rulers, in this framework, used to make decisions according to the auspices.

This meaning can be seen directly in the etymology of the word, since it is made up of the Latin term used to refer to birds and the verb that we can translate as "see, look." In a literal sense, we could say that auspice means "the person who watches the birds."

Sponsorship of the founding of Rome

Among the best-known auspices, one is attributed to the founding of Rome . Legend has it that Romulus and Remus agreed to define the exact place, demonstrating their ability as augurs. In this way, they sat down to observe the sky: Remus saw six vultures and Romulus , twice as many. Based on the interpretation of this sponsorship, they decided on the site.

Romulus then used the auspices to determine the point at which the foundations of Rome should be laid, and by means of a law he prohibited any official from admitting public employment or office, or even the royal dignity itself, until there was no acquired favorable auspices.

Importance of these predictions

Although auspices as a fundamental resource for making decisions related to private and public businesses, and even marriage, went through various changes throughout history , both in the methods used to obtain them and in the objects involved.

For example, one of the types of auspices was based on the trajectory marked by pikes, arrows and darts that the Romans launched through the air, which served to predict the end that a certain battle would have. Animal exploitation has been part of our history since time immemorial, and that is why it could not be missing from this divination discipline. In this context, one of the practices consisted of yoking two animals together and observing their behavior to determine luck: if they collided, then the future was not promising at all.

Some animals received fatal wounds and the auspices came from the behavior they had before dying, from the way they collapsed or from the sounds they made with their last strength.