Definition of

School absenteeism

Missing class

Truancy refers to a student's recurrent absence from class.

School absenteeism is a notion that refers to the recurrent absences of a student from school . This means that the phenomenon refers to the non-attendance of students to the classes they must take according to their course.

It should be noted that the idea of ​​absenteeism refers to the failure of a person to attend a place where they must fulfill an obligation or perform a function. School , for its part, is that linked to the school (an educational center dedicated to primary and/or secondary education).

Types of school absenteeism

There is a type of school absenteeism that is justified : if a child contracts an illness , he cannot attend school since he needs to rest and undergo medical treatment. Furthermore, if you go to school you could infect your classmates. In these cases, the absenteeism is temporary and the student is expected to return to class upon recovery.

Other causes of school absenteeism, however, are due to economic and social problems and cause the student to finally drop out of school. If a young person does not have money to travel to school or to purchase study materials, it is likely that they will end up abandoning their academic training. By not finishing school, said person will have serious problems entering the labor market or accessing well-paid jobs. For these reasons, minimizing school decline is one of the authorities' objectives. The provision of scholarships and financial aid is a common mechanism to combat school dropouts .

Classroom without students

Various causes can cause school absenteeism.

The importance of emotions

Outside of physical disorders and economic problems, there are certain causes of school absenteeism related to the emotional level of the person. The different stages of school education can present challenges that not all students are prepared to overcome and the inability to adapt to the environment often leads to the decision to be absent from classes.

When an individual feels that he does not find his own space, that there is no place reserved for him in the group of students assigned to him, various behaviors may arise in response to such a lack of belonging: one possibility is to assume the suffering that entails. subjecting yourself to an unpleasant and forced experience, which does not allow you to develop with the same freedom that others enjoy; On the other hand, it is common for them to opt for school absenteeism as a defense mechanism .

While for many, school absenteeism due to emotional issues may seem like a lack of will , the student who decides to miss school to avoid the anguish that the experience generates does not feel the same, but rather protects himself from the damage that this environment causes. who considers that he cannot breathe. This is a short-term solution, which has serious consequences as soon as the institution's authorities begin to take measures and communicate the situation to the family.

Other considerations about truancy

One of the most immediate consequences of school absenteeism is the accumulation of work and exams , which begin to form an overwhelming mountain. If it was already difficult for the student to face daily life at a normal pace, feeling that the next time he goes to school he will have to hand in a considerable amount of homework and pass several late exams only makes things worse.

On the other hand, there are students who aspire to the perfect attendance award, which they can only obtain if they are not absent even once throughout the entire period. As in the previous case, this can also reflect emotional problems, although they are channeled in the opposite way.