Definition of



An audiogram allows us to appreciate the level of acuity that an individual has in perceiving sounds.

Audiogram is a concept that is used in the field of acoustics and medicine . The term is formed with the union of the compositional elements audio- (which refers to hearing or sound ) and -grama (linked to a graphic or to what is written ).

The curve that shows the level of acuity that a person has for the perception of sounds is called an audiogram. This graphic record, therefore, reveals the subject's hearing threshold at different frequencies.

Development of an audiogram

An audiogram can be said to provide a description of hearing ability . It is important to mention that the range of sound that someone can hear is known as the hearing threshold : sounds that do not fall into this range are inaudible.

What the audiogram does is graph the results of a hearing test . By analyzing their results, a doctor is able to establish whether the patient suffers from hearing loss and, when this problem is detected, estimate its severity .

To develop the audiogram, audiometry is performed. This is the name given to the study that measures hearing acuity with respect to different sound frequencies. The device used to perform audiometry is called an audiometer .

Audimeters emit sounds at various intensities and frequencies . Upon hearing each sound, the patient must press a button. These responses are recorded by the audiometer and make it possible to create the audiogram.


By looking at an audiogram, a specialist can tell if a person needs hearing aids to hear better.

Chart Utility

The audiogram, in short, represents hearing acuity using a curve . A trained professional is in a position to observe the graph and evaluate the subject's eventual hearing loss, noting whether the loss is global or if it is linked to some type of frequency in particular (high or low).

Thanks to the audiogram it is also possible to define the degree of hearing loss. Depending on the results, the expert may suggest the use of hearing aids to alleviate the disability.

It is interesting to mention that the first audiograms were carried out in the 1920s . Beyond the advances in technology , the representation of the results remains similar to that of then.

Interpretation of an audiogram

An audiogram is expressed in two axes . The horizontal axis represents the frequency of the sound, expressed in hertz ( Hz ). As you move to the right, the frequency increases.

The vertical axis, meanwhile, shows the intensity ( volume ) of the sound, measured in decibels ( dB ). In this case, if you go down the axis, the volume increases. Thus, in the upper area of ​​the axis, the softest sounds appear.

In the audiogram, on the other hand, the color red and the O symbol are usually used to mark the results from the right ear, while the recordings from the left ear are written with X and in blue . Observation of the red and blue curves shows the hearing threshold of each ear .

Beyond these indications, the audiogram must be analyzed by an expert, who based on their knowledge will offer a diagnosis and comment on the steps to follow.