Definition of



A delay is the result of a postponement or delay.

Delay is the act and result of delaying : delaying, postponing, delaying or deferring . For example: "I'm going to explain to the boss that the delay was due to a problem with my car" , "Sorry for the delay, sir, but we had a problem in the kitchen: I'll bring you your plate right away" , "The train left with a delay of half an hour .

The delay is linked to time , as can be seen in our previous examples. When an employee arrives late to his workplace, he incurs a delay. The same can be said with the waiter who takes longer than usual to bring a dish to the table. On the other hand, if a train formation had to start a trip at 7 a.m. but left the station at 7:30 a.m., it was thirty minutes late.

Delay as non-compliance

The idea of ​​delay also appears with failure to meet the agreed dates to make a certain payment : "The owner of the house told me that he was not going to tolerate any more delays in paying the rent," "What is the reason for the delay with the fee? We had agreed that you were going to pay me in the first five days of each month .

In the same way, it may happen that a worker is significantly behind in the performance of his duties. That is to say, that, due to various circumstances, you do not have your work up to date and you have many overdue tasks.


The idea of ​​lateness can be linked to not meeting an agreed schedule or deadline.

Change the time

In relation to this concept we have to establish that in Spain , for example, two time changes are made throughout the year. One, which takes place in the month of October, consists of turning the clock back one hour. The second, which takes place during the month of March, requires moving the clocks forward one hour . These modifications allow, as established by the authorities, to take advantage of the greatest possible amount of natural light and save energy.

These modifications must be taken into account that they usually affect the citizens' bodies. Hence, until they adapt to the new schedule, they will have to face, above all, problems falling asleep and resting adequately.

Delay as absence of development

Delay, on the other hand, can be associated with a lack of development .

"The backwardness of this town is evident: it does not have drinking water or electricity", "The country needs investments to get out of backwardness" y «To compete with foreign companies, we have to escape technological backwardness» son nociones que muestran esta acepción.

Delay in the start of the menstrual cycle

The notion of delay, finally, is linked to a delay in the start of the menstrual cycle . It may be due to a state of anxiety , an illness, a hormonal disorder or pregnancy.

However, they are not the only causes that can explain why a woman suffers from a delay in her menstruation. They can also cause this situation, from stopping the contraceptive pill to a noticeable change in their weight or the existence of eating problems.

Likewise, they can also be responsible for everything from when the woman is carrying out excessive physical activity to when she is breastfeeding her child or if she has thyroid problems. And that's without forgetting menopause or having polycystic ovaries.