Definition of

Tourist attraction

Eiffel Tower

A tourist attraction is a point of interest for travelers.

In order to begin to know the meaning of the term tourist attraction, we must discover its etymological origin:

-The word attractive derives from Latin, exactly from "attractivus" and can be translated as "that brings towards itself." It is the result of the sum of three components of said language: the prefix "ad-", which means "towards"; the verb "trahere", which is synonymous with "bring", and the suffix "-tivo". This is used to indicate a passive or active relationship.

-There are different theories about the noun tourism. Some establish that it derives from the Latin "tornus", which is equivalent to "movement"; and others indicate that in Spanish it has been taken from the English "tourism", which, in turn, derives from the French word " tour ", which is synonymous with "return".

What is a tourist attraction

The notion attractive is linked to that which manages to attract (that is, bring one closer to oneself). Tourist , for its part, refers to what is related to tourism : the activity that consists of traveling for leisure or rest purposes.

A tourist attraction is a site or event that generates interest among travelers . In this way, it can be a reason for a person to make the decision to visit a city or a country.

Main features

The value of tourist attractions can lie in different issues. In some cases, these are spaces of historical importance . In others, the attraction arises from natural beauty . Beyond specific (physical) places, there are tourist attractions that are more symbolic, such as gastronomy or the offer of events.

The Louvre Museum , for example, is a tourist attraction in the city of Paris . Thousands of people come to the French capital every year with the intention of visiting this museum that houses outstanding works of art, such as the Venus de Milo and "La Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci .

New York

The Statue of Liberty is a very popular tourist attraction.

The best-known tourist attractions

All over the world there are tourist attractions of various kinds. However, among the most significant are the following:

-Sights. In this case, we have to establish that the list is very long, almost endless. However, we came across some especially important ones such as the Eiffel Tower, the Mosque of Córdoba, the Alhambra of Granada, the Great Wall of China, the Colosseum of Rome, Christ the Redeemer of Rio de Janeiro, the Taj Mahal, the Red Square of Moscow…

-National parks and forests, such as Doñana Park (Huelva-Seville), Yellowstone Park (United States), Garajonay Park (La Gomera), Las Orquídeas National Natural Park (Medellín)…

-In addition to the one already mentioned, other museums that are tourist attractions in their cities and countries are the Prado Museum in Madrid, the Metropolitan Museum in New York, the British Museum in London...

The importance of protection

Tourist attractions of different kinds can be combined with each other to turn an area into a highly visited destination. In regions of Mexico , to cite one case, tourist attractions such as the beach and archaeological ruins are combined.

Due to the economic importance of tourism and the cultural or natural relevance, tourist attractions are usually protected by authorities, who invest large sums of money in their conservation and promotion.