Definition of



Cramming a text means using an excessive number of words.

Atiborrar is a verb that refers to making something full of lint (wool, lint, hair, sediment or useless elements), according to the first of the meanings mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). The concept is used in reference to filling a space excessively , sometimes appealing to force and skill to fill its capacity and exceed it.

For example: "The British band is surely going to pack the theater since it has thousands of followers in the city" , "My agenda is full of meetings for next week" , "The museum should not be packed with paintings and sculptures: the "Visitors must have space to walk and observe the works."

As can be seen in the previous examples, it is possible to clutter something with physical objects or with symbolic elements . A theater can be packed with people and a museum with works: people and paintings have a physical existence, they occupy a place in a concrete way. On the other hand, the meetings that fill an agenda are abstract, and have not even occurred yet at the time of recording them in the agenda in question.

Cramming a text

A text, on the other hand, can be crammed with words . It can be said that the expression "The beautiful young woman wore extravagant dark pants with a flowered shirt as she walked slowly through the beautiful cobblestone streets of the old French city" is crammed with adjectives.

The excess of adjectives does not usually receive positive opinions from critics, unless they are particular cases in which the authors have enough talent to make sense of such a face of words. In general, these are writings arising from a lack of experience and based on the idea that "more is better" , invalidated on numerous occasions when contrasting creations of this type with those that manage to communicate the same or more using the conciseness.


Gorging on food means bingeing.

binge eating

In colloquial language, the idea of ​​gorging is often used in reference to binge eating : "My mother has prepared so many delicacies that on Christmas Eve I am going to gorge myself on food," "Why do you eat so much junk food?" It's not healthy to gorge yourself on hamburgers and fries .

The idea of ​​"stuffing yourself with food" can give rise to more than one interpretation with very different meanings and consequences. On the one hand, it is normal to use this expression to describe a social gathering in which the dishes were delicious and it was difficult to resist them, so the guests decided not to measure themselves but to eat until their bodies prevented them from continuing.

But this unbridled action can reflect a state of great anxiety and anguish that prevents the person from stopping eating, without seeming to care about the damage that this may cause to their body . Gorging on food to cover up an emotional problem or to try to escape from it can result in serious health problems, and in no way achieves the objective set in the first place, since the problems will still be there once satiety is reached.

Gorge, exceed the limit

If we refer to the dictionary definition set forth in the first paragraph, we will notice that one of the adjectives with which it describes the type of things that are usually used to clutter a place is "useless" : to clutter is to fill a space with useless things, even exceeding the available capacity to the detriment of the place and objects.

That said, both a work full of adjectives and the action of gorging on food consist of exceeding the appropriate limit of elements in their respective context and end up damaging it, in addition to representing a real waste of resources.