Definition of


works of art

Museums can store valuable works of art.

Hoard is a verb that derives from the term treasure : an accumulation of valuable things, such as money or jewelry. Hoarding, in this framework, consists of storing, collecting, accumulating or having elements that have a high value, whether economic and/or symbolic .

For example: “I thank you for these wonderful moments that you have made me live: I am going to treasure this night forever,” “I don't understand people who want to keep their money in the bank for their entire life: when they die, they won't be able to enjoy their money.” wealth” , “The museum announced that, by investing one million euros and winning the auction, it will be able to treasure the famous painting in its main gallery” .

The etymology

It is interesting to know the etymological origin of this term that concerns us now. Thus, it must be established that it is a word that comes from Latin, exactly from the sum of three elements of that language:

  • The prefix ad- which can be translated as “towards” .
  • The noun thesauros , which is equivalent to “wealth.”
  • The suffix -ar , which is used to form verbs.

Examples of hoard

An entity or person can hoard objects that are economically valuable as savings . That is the case of a man who hoards shares of a company as a source of wealth .

Hoarding can also be linked to collecting : a young person may hoard football team shirts since this sport is their passion.

The National Prado Museum

We can establish that the National Prado Museum in Madrid (Spain) has the honor of housing one of the most complete and valuable collections of works of art by European artists of all time. And whoever visits this cultural center will have the possibility of seeing fascinating works by authors such as Goya, Velázquez, Titian, El Greco, Rafael, Rubens, Hieronymus Bosch ...

This museum has paintings of international and historical recognition such as “The Annunciation” ( 1430 ) by Fra Angélico ; “The Garden of Earthly Delights” ( 1503 ) by Hieronymus ; “The Lavatory” ( 1548 ) by Tintoretto ; “The Knight with his Hand on his Chest” ( 1580 ) by El Greco ; “The Surrender of Breda” ( 1634 ) by Velázquez and “The Three Graces” ( 1636 ) by Rubens .


Cherishing memories and experiences is very important for all people.

Treasure memories

Hoarding, however, is not always associated with physical or monetary items. Memories , emotions and moments experienced can be treasured: that is, “kept” internally. In this way, a woman can treasure the birth of her child as the happiest moment of her life, just as an old man treasures his childhood experiences in his heart.

In this sense, it should be noted that an example could be the following: “Eva is proud to treasure her husband's unconditional and passionate love.”

Saving objects for sentimental reasons

Another possibility is to hoard objects of no economic value but important from a sentimental perspective : a childhood notebook, a grandmother's pendant, a grandfather's pen, etc.

Hoarding objects of this type allows human beings to not only remember the person to whom they belonged but also their teachings, the feelings that united them or the good times they shared together.