Definition of

Customer service

Communication channels

Chat services, telephone, instant messaging, email, forums and social networks are some of the most effective communication channels within the customer service area.

Customer service is both an area of ​​a company and a service of any corporate firm that focuses on the processes of assistance, care, advice and attraction of customers so that the experience of purchasing a product or hiring a provision is as satisfactory as possible. Investing in this aspect and approaching the task with commitment and responsibility allows you to increase the prestige of a company and succeed in the complex mission of customer loyalty .

Adequate customer service translates into consumers who are satisfied with the company or brand that provides it, more profitability at the corporate level and sufficient loyalty to establish a significant difference between a venture or business bet and others. Furthermore, when recommendations multiply and word-of-mouth advertising works well, it is not so crucial to delve into marketing and dissemination strategies , which is why it is necessary and constructive to captivate the largest number of people and exceed customer expectations .

Key qualities for customer service

The personnel assigned to the customer service area or department must have a tolerant profile and qualities that allow them to establish pleasant social ties and transmit trust .

Among the traits that should be taken into account when selecting workers for this sector of a company are the individual's ability to solve problems , empathy , sensitivity , the ability to actively listen and communicate effectively , and the level of patience . Negotiation and persuasion skills also add points in favor.

Beyond the team selection criteria, it is important to frequently deal with employee training and diversify the contact channels and available tools in order to increase well-being and a feeling of pleasure among customers .

Customer consultations

A customer satisfaction survey should seek responses and reactions linked to the service provided, the purchasing or contracting experience, and post-sales assistance, for example.

Service channels

The more service channels and contact channels that are dedicated to customer service , the better because a fluid, fast and direct communication structure is strengthened.

With the advancement of technology, it was possible to go beyond traditional calls (that is, telephone support ) and add the options of sending and receiving text messages , contacts through social networks and videoconference support .

Implementing online customer service is essential to providing real-time remote support , although in-person customer service is also required. It is enriching to make available to consumers who wish to raise questions, submit complaints and suggestions or request advice, a virtual assistant , a customer service bot or offer a live chat .

Speeding up response times , being an accessible company and willing to solve any problems, demonstrating flexible hours , being at the level of customer needs and providing good technical support feed the corporate reputation and increase the chances of growth and expansion of a company. brand or a business project.

Call center

A call center (or call center) is responsible for informing, advising and providing support to people who are interested in a certain product or service, or who have already paid for it and are not satisfied.

Customer service strategies

There are strategies that favor and enhance the customer service area. It is advisable to appeal to creativity, innovative options, exclusive treatment and take advantage of technology and, of course, the best possible quality of a service or product so that the business undertaken is competitive and with high chances of embracing the success.

A personalization of the service makes the consumer feel special knowing that the company knows their profile, their preferences and their needs.

It is essential to strive to achieve customer satisfaction and their desire to continue trusting and betting on the services or merchandise sold by the company even when there are inconveniences or unforeseen events that overshadow the purchasing experience .

The simple fact of humbly apologizing for an error (for example, a failure to meet delivery times, the sale of defective parts or items in poor condition, etc.), expressing good intentions, positioning dialogue as the main means of Conflict resolution and working quickly and efficiently to try to retain customers are a powerful tactic.

Rewarding or rewarding loyalty through loyalty programs , as well as providing discounts , special offers and promotions , motivate and attract consumers.

It should be noted that in order to be aware of what image the population has regarding a certain firm or brand and demonstrate willingness to correct everything that works against progress and learning, satisfaction surveys must be carried out and not overlooked. customer comments . In this framework, one must know that praise and positive messages should be appreciated but not considered as absolute truth due to the risks involved in convincing oneself that there is nothing to improve, while unfavorable but respectfully formulated criticism and negative content but constructive ones that can arrive via email , WhatsApp , telephone or other channels have to be valued, analyzed and understood as opportunities for transformation and improvement.