Definition of



The idea of ​​concerns can refer to what is linked to something.

Atañe is a conjugation of the verb atañer , which has its etymological origin in the Latin word attangĕre . The action of concerning refers to concerning, affecting, belonging or incumbency .

For example: “I am not going to comment on this since it is an issue that does not concern me and I do not want to generate a misunderstanding” , “The mayor promised to urgently resolve everything that concerns the safety of the neighbors” , “With regard to the payment of owed salaries, the employer reported that he hopes to comply with the workers in the coming days.”

About the concept of concern

By analyzing these three examples we can understand what the idea of ​​concern refers to. In the first case, we find a person who prefers to refrain from expressing his opinion because he considers that the matter is not his concern or does not affect him. The second example presents a use of the word atañe that can be associated with what is linked to something . The third example, finally, uses the notion regarding what refers to an issue .

When something concerns something else, it is ultimately related to it . It could be said that spelling rules and grammar are two subjects that concern the work of journalists who work in the written or digital press. These professionals must know the rules of spelling and the grammatical principles of the language to write correctly and, in this way, carry out their work effectively. However, at a work level, a gardener is not affected by spelling and grammatical rules since their eventual knowledge or lack of knowledge does not affect the quality of their work.


When a matter concerns two people, it is the concern of both.

Particularities of the verb atañer

From a technical point of view, when analyzing the use of the word atañer we find a series of restrictions that do not occur very often: it is only possible to use it in the infinitive (that is, with the form atañer or what is commonly called "the name of the verb" or " unconjugated "), in the gerund ( atáñendo ), in the participle ( atáñido ) and in the third person (both singular and plural).

With respect to the last point, we must not forget that its conjugation in the third person, at least, can be carried out in all the tenses of the Indicative and Subjunctive mood. Some examples of the various ways in which this verb can be conjugated are the following: within the Indicative mood, atañería and atañerán (for the Present tense ), atañería and atañerán (for the Simple Future tense), atañería and atañería (for the tense simple conditional); In the Subjunctive mood we find ataña and atañan (for the Present tense), atañere and atañeren (for the Simple Future tense) and atañera atañeran (for the Imperfect Past tense).

Something similar happens with certain verbs that cannot be carried out by living beings or objects, such as the impersonal llover , or those that are used mainly in one or two tenses, as is the case with soler ; Although the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy does present the complete conjugation of these two verbs, unlike what it does with atañer , it is not common to hear "today it will rain more than usual" or "if only I used to talk more, I would It would be easier to communicate with him .

Synonyms of atañe

Sometimes there is no better way to understand a term than by looking at a list of synonyms, especially if it is one that is used in the educated language or in the press, such as the case of atañer and its conjugated form atañe , which They do not appear in everyday speech normally.

For this reason, let's look at some alternatives: concern, affect, interest , import, belong, concern, compete, correspond, relate, allude, attribute and touch.