Definition of



An association can be formed by a group of people who pursue the same objective.

Association is the action and effect of associating or associating (uniting one person with another to collaborate in some work , joining one thing with another for the same purpose, establishing a relationship between things or people).

An association, therefore, is the set of associates for the same purpose . This set can form a legal entity. For example: "The San Martín Sewing Association has elected a new president," "The coach stated that the Bolivian Football Association should respond to the complaints," "I would like to form an association to help needy children."

Non-profit association

Generally, the concept of association is used to mention a non-profit entity managed democratically by its partners , with the purpose of developing commercial activities, allocating the profits to social work.

It is possible to distinguish between different types of associations, such as the voluntary association or the neighborhood association : «I have been talking to Carlos about getting together with other neighbors and forming an association that deals with the problems of the neighborhood» , «A voluntary association "It has allowed the houses damaged by the storm to be rebuilt."


Cooperation between members is essential in an association.

Defense of rights

The defense of animal rights is one of the most frequent objectives of associations, and this is due to the destructive and inconsiderate action of many human beings, who take advantage of the eternal compassion of the rest of living beings. To combat the high number of animals that are abandoned each year, or that are victims of physical attacks, there are various groups of people who dedicate their efforts to helping them and trying to find them a home in which they respect them and give them the love they need so much. .

On the other hand, there is the International Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (its acronym is ILGA , since the original name is International Lesbian and Gay Association ), an international federation that promotes respect for the rights of people of such sexualities throughout the world. It is worth mentioning that discrimination based on sexual orientation is a problem that causes a large number of suicides every year.

Association in psychology and literature

For psychology , behavioral association is the functional relationship between a stimulus and a response as a result of experience. In psychoanalysis , the technique that consists of the patient expressing all their ideas and thoughts without restriction, selection or filter is known as free association .

The association is also a literary figure that is based on saying about many what is applicable to only one or several, with the aim of mitigating the praise or censure of the rest.

The links

Throughout our lives, we make millions of links between the concepts we learn, between the people we meet, between the places we visit. We cannot help but establish an association between summer and the aroma of those flowers that used to be in our childhood home, or between spring and our first teenage love... But these are just two poorly defined examples, which represent one of the infinite possible relationships between events, places and times, since each living being builds them freely and spontaneously, without being able to force or avoid them.

Regarding the verb associate, it is usually used accompanied by the preposition with to indicate that two or more individuals have joined together with a common purpose , such as an organization or a company, and the preposition a when it is intended to indicate a certain relationship between a person and a concept, or between two concepts. Let's look at some example sentences: "Marcos has partnered with Laura to found the magazine" , "Her name is associated with women's liberation" .