Definition of



The job of a personal assistant is to multitask to help another person.

Assistant is a concept that comes from the Latin word assistens . The term can be used as an adjective or as a noun , depending on the context.

The most common meaning of assistant allows you to qualify the person who assists . Assisting, meanwhile, is the action of helping, accompanying, assisting or serving someone . Attending can also consist of going to a place or being present somewhere .

Assistant as a job occupation

At a general level, an assistant is a worker who collaborates with another person, meeting their requirements and helping them. Their work may be aimed at assisting a hierarchical superior or a client, patient, etc.

Take the case of a personal assistant . Its function is to provide support or support to another individual in the development of daily activities. An executive's personal assistant, for example, is dedicated to scheduling their meetings; respond to emails or calls; and organize trips (reserving hotels , buying tickets, etc.).

In film , television and theater, meanwhile, we find the assistant director . He intervenes in multiple tasks, serving as a link between the director and the rest of the professionals who are part of the work (such as lighting and costume designers).

The concept in sports

In the field of sport , the technical assistant or field assistant works alongside the head coach. As part of his tasks, he promotes various actions in training and is a source of consultation for the technical director in games. Furthermore, he usually replaces the DT when he cannot fulfill his duties.

If we focus specifically on football , assistant or auxiliary referees - previously known as linesmen - are in charge of analyzing whether there are players offside (offside) and controlling whether the ball leaves the boundaries of the field, among others. issues. These assistant referees supervise the actions from outside the field of play, although they can enter on certain special occasions.


Those attending an event are those who come to observe the event or participate in it.

Assistant as one who is in a place

The subject who is in a certain space , at a precise moment, can be mentioned as an assistant. The notion, in this case, usually refers to the public present at an event .

Suppose 15,000 people go to a stadium to watch a basketball game. It can be said that, at this meeting, there are 15,000 attendees. If 200 individuals gather in a library to listen to a writer present a book, it is possible to say that the author gathered 200 attendees.

A computer resource

A computer tool that is designed to carry out operations automatically or with minimal interaction with the user is known as a virtual assistant . It is software that can answer people's requests in a "natural" way, emulating a human being.

Virtual assistants can respond by voice or in writing thanks to artificial intelligence . Apple 's Siri and Amazon 's Alexa are some of the best known.

Before the creation of this type of assistants, there were other more basic ones that acted as guides to help users in using the programs. Clippy , the Microsoft Office assistant, managed to achieve great popularity.