Definition of


Asian map

Asia is the largest continent in the world.

The continent with the largest population and surface area is Asia . It is located between the Indian Ocean (to the south), the Arctic Ocean (to the north), the Pacific Ocean (to the east) and the Ural Mountains (to the west).

Due to its geographical location, Asia is located in the northern hemisphere of the planet Earth . It is important to mention that, together with Europe , it forms a unit known as Eurasia . If Africa is also added, linked to Eurasia through the Isthmus of Suez , a supercontinent called Euphrasia is created.

Main features of Asia

Asia covers an area of ​​over 44 million square kilometres. Almost 4.6 billion people live there, which means that nearly 60% of human beings live on this continent.

There are 49 countries in Asia with political sovereignty and general recognition. Another six states , however, have limited recognition. On the other hand, there are two Asian territories that are incorporated into Australia and two others that are dependent on the United Kingdom .

It is important to note that the United Nations ( UN ) distinguishes six regions in Asia . From the largest to the smallest number of States in each, we find Western Asia , Southeast Asia , South Asia , East Asia, Central Asia and North Asia .


The country with the largest population in Asia, and also in the entire world, is China.

Most important countries

Although it is difficult to define criteria that grant more or less importance to countries , it is possible to affirm that Asia is home to many areas with global relevance for historical, cultural and economic reasons.

China , for example , is the world's most populous state and a global power , with India coming in second in terms of population.

History and economics also make Japan stand out. Various reasons also give notoriety to South Korea , North Korea , Turkey , Israel , Iran , Saudi Arabia , Indonesia , Thailand , Qatar and the United Arab Emirates , to name other Asian nations.

The historical development of Asia

Various records have shown that humanity was born in Africa , where the first Homo sapiens appeared. However, it is often said that civilization had its origins in Asia .

This is linked, above all, to the enormous territorial extension of Asia . This particularity contributed to many cultures developing autonomously and, in many cases, simultaneously.

The Persian Empire , the Mongol Empire , the various Chinese dynasties and the Japanese regimes throughout the different eras have made valuable contributions to the advancement of man .

The continent today

Statistics show that Asia is the largest producer of food on Earth . At the same time, it is the largest consumer. Many of the largest reserves of minerals and hydrocarbons, meanwhile, are found in Asian lands.

At the industrial level, Asia also has a predominance, especially in specific sectors. If we focus on vehicle manufacturing, currently four of the top six producers are Asian: China , Japan , South Korea and India .

It should be noted, however, that economic and social development is uneven across the continent. Living conditions therefore vary greatly from country to country.