Definition of



Osteoarthritis is a degenerative, pathological and non-inflammatory disorder of the joints.

Osteoarthritis is a pathological, degenerative and non-inflammatory disorder of the joints . When the deformations it produces are very evident, it is called deforming osteoarthritis .

Cartilage wear is the cause of osteoarthritis. When this tissue that protects the ends of the bones and facilitates joint movement wears out, osteoarthritis begins to develop, which especially affects older people.

In women , osteoarthritis usually appears in the hands and knees , while in men osteoarthritis most frequently occurs in the hip. In addition to age, other factors that affect the appearance of osteoarthritis are obesity and type of occupation .

Development of osteoarthritis

Typically, osteoarthritis develops gradually. At first, joint pain is experienced after playing sports or doing physical exercises and, over time, this pain becomes more common.

Osteoarthritis can not only cause swelling and pain, but also lead to the growth of spurs in the joint and the breakdown of bones and cartilage.

Doctors maintain that it is impossible to stop or cure osteoarthritis. Treatments, therefore, aim to relieve pain and minimize the discomfort caused by the pathology through the provision of analgesics and anti-inflammatories, or by indicating the use of knee pads, canes and other items.

Medications , however, cannot be given in large doses since, when ingested frequently, they can cause damage to the digestive system or worsen existing symptoms.


Performing aerobic exercises helps to cope with osteoarthritis.

Tips for living with the disease

Although there is no way to definitively combat osteoarthritis, it is possible to use a series of tips and recommendations to minimize pain. First of all, it is very important to stay in shape, so as not to demand more from the joints than they are prepared to support (this is especially necessary when the discomfort is focused on the hips, spine or knees).

On the other hand, it is highly recommended to perform aerobic exercise frequently to promote better performance of the joints and prevent the affected muscles from atrophying due to lack of activity; It can be walks, swimming or home routines, among other possibilities, as long as they are not done in excess and that breaks are respected.

When osteoarthritis attacks the joints of the hands, doctors usually advise minimizing the time spent on manual activities as much as possible, given that the constant repetition of a movement is harmful to this condition. Some splints (flexible splints generally used to treat fractures) help relieve the weight that the joints must bear, although they must also be complemented with certain exercises that promote mobility and strengthen the muscles.

Hot baths are especially beneficial in the morning, since the inactivity of sleeping during the night numbs the joints and increases pain. Applying heat to areas affected by osteoarthritis is also useful to promote relaxation and, like cold, helps tone muscles. Low temperatures, on the other hand, are more useful in reducing inflammation.

Nutritional supplements such as chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate, which are available in pharmacies, delay the onset of osteoarthritis, although their use must be prescribed by a doctor, since it is not convenient in all cases.

Last but not least, lifting excessive weights should be avoided whenever possible, standing for long periods of time, and walking on uneven floors. In addition, the quality of footwear is essential to improve posture .