Definition of



Ballet is a type of dance that is part of the performing arts.

Art is a concept that encompasses all creations made by human beings to express a sensitive vision of the world, whether real or imaginary. Through plastic, linguistic or sound resources , art - a term derived from the Latin ars - allows us to express ideas, emotions, perceptions and sensations.

History indicates that, with the appearance of Homo Sapiens , art had a ritual and magical-religious function (as occurs with cave paintings), which changed over time. In any case, the definition of art varies according to the time and culture .

Paleolithic art and Neolithic art , for example, are very different from contemporary art or modern art . While in prehistory there were rustic figures such as dolmens or menhirs, from the 20th century onwards we find ideas such as conceptual art, abstract art , kinetic art , pop art or urban art .

Art in the Renaissance

With the Italian Renaissance , at the end of the 15th century, a distinction began to be made between crafts and fine arts . The craftsman is someone who is dedicated to producing multiple works, while the artist is the creator of unique works.

It is precisely in the Renaissance where we find one of the most important stages in the history of art, both for the magnificent artists who worked in it and for the surprising works they undertook and which are praised throughout the world today.

Thus, in Renaissance art, we would have to highlight figures of the stature of Leonardo da Vinci , Michelangelo , Donatello , Titian and Raphael . And as for works we would highlight, for example, "La Gioconda"; the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel; "Gattamelata" ; "Venus of Urbino"; and "The Marriage of the Virgin", respectively.

Different disciplines

There are different disciplines within art. The classification used in Ancient Greece included architecture , dance , sculpture , music , painting and poetry ( literature ).

Later, cinema began to be included as the seventh art . There are also those who name photography as the eighth art (although it is often argued that it is an extension of painting) and comics as the ninth (its detractors indicate that it is, in reality, a bridge between painting and cinema ). Television , fashion , advertising and video games are other disciplines that are sometimes considered artistic.

The performing arts

The idea of ​​performing arts refers to artistic expressions that are represented on a stage . In the broadest sense, these include music , dance and theatre .

There are other disciplines that are integrated into these three performing arts or that involve a combination of them, such as the circus and opera .

Genres and styles make each performing art form have a wide diversity of components. In the musical field, to mention one example, we can find manifestations of sound art as different as rock , experimental music , jazz , classical music , pop and electronic music .

Gothic architecture

Gothic art shines in architecture, sculpture and painting.

The use of plastic resources

When an artist can mold or modify a material, he creates a work that falls within the realm of the visual arts . Architecture , engraving , sculpture , drawing , goldsmithing and painting are part of this group.

A graffiti , a collage , an oil painting , a ceramic piece, a watercolor , a mural , and even a body painting demonstration are examples of plastic arts. These creations are generally not presented on stage, but can be appreciated in an art gallery or art museum .

It is interesting to note that the plastic arts are related to the visual arts . This concept encompasses traditional plastic arts and adds more specific or modern disciplines such as digital art , video art and land art . The idea can also be associated with applied arts , which involve the application of creativity to everyday products (a piece of furniture, a piece of clothing, a cup, etc.), often appealing to notions of design (industrial design, fashion design, interior design, graphic design or another branch).

Literature, the verbal art

Literature is the art of words : that is, art that uses words. It should be noted that the notion is not limited to writing, but that there is also oral literature.

When literature is written in verse, it is classified as poetry . If its structure is not built using verse, however, it is called prose . Typically, a narrative is written in prose.

A poem , a short story , an essay and a novel are works of literature. Among the great historical exponents of this art we can name the British William Shakespeare , the Spaniard Miguel de Cervantes and the Italian Dante Alighieri .

Art exhibition

An art critique involves a value judgment of a work, analyzing its aesthetics and context.

Works and monuments protected by UNESCO

It should be noted that UNESCO is dedicated to cataloging those works and artistic monuments that have incalculable value and unparalleled beauty. In this case we could speak, for example, of the Mosque of Cordoba , the Alhambra of Granada , the Cathedral of Seville and the Archaeological Site of Atapuerca .

However, there are monuments all over the world that receive this same classification. Among them are the Tiwanaku Temple in Bolivia ; the Churches of Chiloé in Chile ; the historic center of Lima ; and the Castle of San Pedro de la Roca in Santiago de Cuba .

And all this without forgetting the Royal Palaces of Abomey in Benin , Chichén Itza in Mexico , the Statue of Liberty in the United States , the necropolises of Egypt , the Church of the Nativity in Palestine and Durham Castle in the United Kingdom .

Conservation and restoration of art

Over time, artistic creations often suffer significant deterioration. That is why the set of processes dedicated to preserving these cultural assets for the future is known as conservation and restoration of works of art .

Experts in this field seek to ensure that artistic expressions survive beyond the passing of time. Through various techniques they try to protect the works or recover them when necessary.

It is important not to confuse these tasks with the role of art curator . A curator has the necessary knowledge to value, manage and exhibit artistic products, which means he or she can take on the role of commissioner in an exhibition or show .