Definition of



Coral reefs are habitats for multiple species.

Arrecife is a concept derived from an Arabic word that can be translated as "stoned" . The traditional use of the term, therefore, is linked to a road , a causeway or a cobbled or unpaved path .

Currently, however, the notion of reef is associated with the bank formed by stones and polypero animals in the sea , almost on the surface of the water. The most common reefs are coral reefs , which are found in tropical waters.

For example: "We are going to go diving at the reef and, later, we will visit the morro that is next to the beach" , "Climate change can affect the existence of many coral reefs" , "They say it is the largest coral reef" . largest on the planet .

Characteristics of a coral reef

A coral reef is a solid structure that forms from the accumulation of stony corals . Thanks to ocean currents and waves, reefs receive an important flow of nutrients, which allows them to become the habitat of various aquatic species.

The reefs also act as a barrier to protect the mangroves and the coast in general from the waves, since they are located between the beach and the open sea. Mangroves, for their part, protect reefs from sedimentation.

Coral reefs are found in waters whose temperature usually ranges between 20º and 28ºC. That is why it is common to see them between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn , less than 50 meters deep, since the ideal climatic conditions for their development are found there.

underwater landscape

Many people go diving to appreciate the coral reefs.

The most famous

Among the underwater landscapes that can be visited, the reef undoubtedly occupies a privileged position; Given its immense beauty and the variety of its animal and plant species, it is very attractive for lovers of exploration and diving. Let's see the 10 most outstanding reefs in the world:

  • Barrier Reef (Belize) : This is a reef that is home to more than 300 species of fish and 60 species of coral.
  • Little Cayman Island Reef - combines the variety of fish species with a series of beautiful coral gardens.
  • Andaman Sea Reef (India) : among the more than 500 species of fish and 200 types of coral, it is a setting that offers a variety and beauty that is difficult to match.
  • Great Barrier Reef (Australia) : it is home to more than 400 different types of coral and its extension exceeds 2,300 km on the Australian coast of Queensland.
  • Raja Ampat Reef (Indonesia) : not afraid to surpass its competition in terms of the number of marine species, it is home to more than a thousand types of fish and around 600 types of coral.
  • Tubbataha Reef (Philippines) : UNESCO has declared this beautiful underwater landscape a World Heritage Site.
  • Palancar Reef (Mexico) : located in Cozumel, one of the tourist destinations in Mexico, it offers an ideal environment for underwater activities, with a large number of canyons and caves , as well as species such as barracudas and crabs.
  • Aldabra Reef (Seychelles) : it is distinguished for housing more than 150 thousand sea turtles, as well as manta rays and many species of fish.
  • Grand Central Station and Chimneys (Fiji) : with a rather peculiar name, it is one of the favorite places for divers worldwide and is home to more than 400 species of coral.
  • Roatán Reef (Caribbean Sea) : It is visited especially for the various sponges that live there, in addition to the impressive views it offers.