Definition of


herding dog sheep

The dog has in its genes the predisposition to herd

The verb herd refers to the action of inciting pack animals to start walking, continue advancing or accelerate their pace . The person in charge of herding the beasts is known as a muleteer .


The act of herding is usually carried out to take the animals to pasture or to direct them to places where they will be branded, vaccinated, etc., for example. It is an everyday activity in the fields .

It is important to note that the herd organization of animals was not invented by humans, but rather used for use in livestock farming, agriculture and other activities that include exploitation. The pack can be seen both in certain predators, who divide up the tasks when hunting to corner their prey, and in those who are hunted, who gather with their companions to protect themselves from attacks.

Therefore, predatory animals herd their prey to confuse them and take them to a place where it is easier to kill them. The wolf is one of the natural hunters par excellence, with a range of skills and physical characteristics that put it above most mammal species . It is easy to understand, therefore, that the dog is one of the animals used for herding.

Specifically in the field of agriculture, herding is used to organize domestic animals, both by people and by other animals that have been specifically trained. If dogs do not demonstrate a strong natural predisposition to herding livestock, then their skills can be improved through training.

Current considerations

Currently, given the awareness that exists about the importance of animal welfare , physical abuse is avoided when herding. Yelling is also avoided and efforts are made not to herd during the hours when the highest temperatures are recorded.

According to specialists, the ideal is to herd the animals along a pre-established route and maintaining the rhythm naturally proposed by the livestock. On the other hand, it is essential to find and use hydration areas and allow rest in safe places.

It is important to mention that in none of the activities carried out by humans is animal exploitation necessary. Today we have a sufficient variety of technologies and industrial processes for the manufacture of machines that assist us in any job, from the most delicate to the most demanding. This means that it is not enough to herd animals in a “kinder” way, but that we should stop doing it altogether.

Herding predatory wolves

Some natural hunters herd their prey to separate them from their groups.

Other meanings

It is important to mention that there are other uses of the concept . In a broad sense, herding is equivalent to stimulating or accelerating . The term also refers to taking something with violence ; to poke ; or to deal a blow : “The president once again herded the opposition, stating that he has no project for the country,” “The largest companies must herd the smaller ones so that economic growth is sustained over time,” “After After kicking the health personnel several times, the man finally calmed down and was able to be taken to the hospital .

In both the first and third examples, the term refers to a sour attitude , of a certain verbal aggressiveness. The second, on the other hand, shows a positive meaning , of guidance towards an objective by someone who has more experience or resources towards someone who can take advantage of them to grow and aim to reach a higher level in the future.