Definition of


Myrtus communis

The tree of the species Myrtus communis is called myrtle.

The concept of arrayán has its etymological origin in the Hispanic Arabic arrayḥán , in turn derived from the classical Arabic arrayḥān . The term refers to a shrub that is part of the Myrtaceae family group.

Arrayan is also called other species with similar characteristics, regardless of their family group. Even trees that have no relation to the original plant, whose scientific nickname is Myrtus communis , are even named myrtle trees.

Characteristics of the myrtle

The myrtle, native to North Africa and Southeast Europe, can reach a height of more than three meters. It has opposite greenish leaves; axillary flowers with five sepals and five whitish petals; and edible berries as fruit.

Also known as murta or myrtle , the myrtle is distributed in the Mediterranean area. It is usually grown for ornamental purposes , especially because of the large number of flowers it can produce towards the end of summer. In any case, it is also used in cooking and medicinal properties are even attributed to it.


Myrtles have white flowers.

Its use as a medicinal plant

Already in the time of Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire , the myrtle was used as a medicinal plant . Galen , Pliny the Elder and Hippocrates wrote about its benefits, which today are understood to be linked to the elevated amount of salicylic acid .

It is noted that, due to its active components, bayberry can help relieve sinusitis (an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and nasal mucosa). It must be clarified, however, that it is essential to consult a doctor before consuming any substance or product with the aim of acting on your health .

The myrtle in the kitchen

Different parts of the myrtle are used in gastronomy . In some regions, the berries of the bush replace pepper as a condiment , even being used in sausages.

Above all, the aroma of the bayberry is valued, which affects the flavor of what is seasoned. Calabrian cuisine, for example , includes the use of branches as skewers to cook figs.

In Corsica and Sardinia , on the other hand, a traditional liquor is made that is obtained by macerating the berries. Called myrtle , you can differentiate between red myrtle and white myrtle depending on the type of berries used.

Other plants of the same name

As we already indicated, several trees in America and Europe are known as myrtles. Among the myrtaceae, we can refer to the lucumillo ( Myrcianthes coquimbensis ) and the Castile guava ( Myrcianthes leucoxyla ), both called myrtle trees.

The chequén ( Luma checken ), the palo colorado ( Luma apiculata ), the anacahuita ( Blepharocalyx salicifolius ), the oxocopaque ( Gaultheria erecta ), the arraclán ( Frangula alnus ) and the common boxwood ( Buxus sempervirens ) also share this particularity.

Los Arrayanes National Park

Several places include myrtle or myrtle trees in their name. Among them, the Los Arrayanes National Park stands out, located in Argentine Patagonia .

With an area of ​​almost 1,800 hectares, it is developed next to the northern coast of Lake Nahuel Huapi . In addition to myrtles of the Luma apiculata species, it presents cypresses, coihues, boldos and other vegetables.

Los Arrayanes National Park is an important tourist attraction . It can be accessed by land or lake.