Definition of



A suburb is an area far from the town of which it is part.

A suburb is a neighborhood that is far from the population of which it is part . The concept is also used to name the end of a locality and the population that is attached to another larger one.

For example: “Tango emerged in the suburbs of the city” , “I lost my job and had to move from the center to settle in the suburbs” , “If we continue walking, we will end up in the suburbs” .

Concept of suburb

It can be said that the idea of ​​a suburb is linked to urban design. It is understood that a suburb is a group of houses that arises spontaneously , without any planning. Slums are created from the uncontrolled growth of a city , which begins to expand geographically. Generally, lower class people who do not have the economic resources to live in the city, but who need to be close to it, settle in the suburbs.

The term suburb began to be used with respect to the urban development of medieval cities in Europe . Once the land located inside the walls became insufficient to house the population , annexed towns began to develop outside the walled space. Over the years, these walls were often modified to include the suburbs.


Suburb and neighborhood are synonyms of suburb.

The marginality

A suburb can be associated with a suburb or a neighborhood . Many times the slums are linked to marginality, poverty and lack of control and assistance by the State . Other synonyms by which people usually refer to this concept are suburbs, outskirts, periphery, surroundings, expansion, alfoz, Cercanías and surroundings . Among the main antonyms we can mention urban area and center .

The people who live in the periphery , in fact, tend to be those with the least economic power, although many times there is also the search for greater tranquility that the urban area is incapable of providing its inhabitants, given the cacophony of engines, horns and hustle and bustle. , often crowned by environmental pollution and diseases that arise as a result of the accumulation of waste.

For people from the lower classes, life in the suburbs can be very hard, especially if they have to travel to the city center every day to do their jobs. Although this depends on the economic situation and the development of each country, and may even vary from one city to another, long trips from one end to the other can be exhausting and lead to great waste of time due to unpunctuality of the services. public transport companies.

On the other hand, the sections that connect the suburb with the center are not usually very safe, but rather become the focus of assailants of all kinds, something that adds certain risks to the already mentioned wear and tear of travel and waiting.

Fernando Arrabal

Fernando Arrabal , finally, is a novelist, poet , essayist, playwright and filmmaker who was born on August 11, 1932 in Melilla ( Spain ). Since 1955 he has lived in France and in 1963 he founded the movement known as Grupo Pánico together with Roland Topor and Alejandro Jodorowsky . It is an intense search to reach beyond Aristotelian society and bequeath to humanity something that encourages it to acquire a new perspective.

Among his friends were Tristan Tzara and Andy Warhol , and he was linked to the surrealist group led by André Breton for three years, which is why the American critic Mel Gussow considered him the only survivor of the group to which he referred to by the name " the four avatars of modernity» .