A weapon is an instrument or tool that allows you to attack or defend yourself . The term generally refers to physicality, as a weapon can physically hurt or even kill another person.
However, in a figurative sense, the notion of weapon is often used to refer to verbal attacks or attacks that seek to emotionally affect the other: "His mouth is a weapon that hurts those around him."
Positive meanings of the term weapon
On the contrary, weapons can be understood as the set of virtues or knowledge that a person possesses and that open doors at a social or work level. In general it is used in relation to the mastery of foreign languages, mainly English; It can be said that someone has the right weapons to get a job or to access a scholarship to study abroad.
Always within the positive meanings, which have no relationship with violence, we speak of weapons of seduction to refer to certain physical and intellectual characteristics that can help a person conquer another. Although aesthetics play a very important role in society, the true weapons of seduction are usually a peculiar smile, or an enigmatic look, a deep and captivating voice, among many other possibilities, such as being a way of expressing oneself or laughing very distinctive.
Resources for attack and defense
The concept of weapon is also used to refer to a country 's armies and security forces ( "Iran's weapons are ready to repel the invasion" ). On the other hand, the militia or military profession is known as a weapon.
A bladed or cutting weapon is one that is used in hand-to-hand combat and that allows you to cut the opponent's skin or pierce it with a point. The spear, axe, knife, sword, dagger and saber are examples of this type of weapons.
A blunt weapon has a similar function, although it works by the force of the blow and not so much by its cutting capacity; Some examples of this classification are garrotes and boleadoras.
A firearm is one that allows projectiles to be propelled, which are launched at high speed and can do a lot of damage. The rifle , revolver, pistol, machine gun, rifle and carbine are firearms .
Guns and violence
Weapons, therefore, have the basic function of hurting others. For this reason, there are numerous social groups that call for disarmament and the reduction of government budgets for weapons.
In Japan , for example, the possession of firearms is a very delicate issue and is experienced in a way opposite to countries like the United States, where any citizen can have a gun in their home. The shotgun is the only type of firearm that a Japanese person can acquire, although the procedure to obtain a license is very long and exhaustive: first, attendance at a series of theoretical lessons and passing a written exam are required; then come practices and a shooting test; Finally, the candidates are psychologically evaluated to verify that they do not suffer from any mental disorder, and it is verified that they do not consume narcotics.
On the other hand, the police force carries out an investigation of his background, as well as those of his family, to corroborate that there is no criminal history. It should be noted that belonging to a political activist group is sufficient reason not to pass the test. An area where the possession of shotguns is common is the sport of clay pigeon shooting and hunting.