Definition of


Burning in the throat

Burning throat is usually due to an infection

Burning is a term that refers to intense heat . The concept usually refers to the sensation of blushing or burning that occurs in some part of the body.

Different types

The burning may be perceived as stinging , stabbing pain , or stinging . With multiple possible causes, the origin of the disorder must be determined by a doctor through the corresponding analyses, especially when it is sustained over time or is repeated frequently.

When the skin becomes irritated, for example, burning may appear. An allergic reaction , dryness , an insect bite or a burn can cause burning.

Burning in the throat , meanwhile, is usually associated with an infection . The same goes for the burning that is experienced when urinating .

Heartburn or heartburn , for its part, is generated by acidity . This occurs when the acid found in the stomach moves to the esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the chest and throat.


Heartburn usually lasts a few minutes, although it can also last for hours. To relieve discomfort, you can use antacid remedies that are sold without a prescription in pharmacies; In any case, it is always advisable to consult a doctor since the burning may be due to gastroesophageal reflux disease or another condition.

In principle, if the burning sensation is not due to an illness but rather to a bad habit, we can combat or prevent it by following a series of tips given by medical professionals. Let's start with five meals per day , spread from breakfast to dinner and with chewing of adequate duration to avoid digestive problems. At night, the sleeping position is also very important in this framework: it is recommended that the head be slightly elevated with respect to the rest of the body.

Finding this angle is not easy, because if we use a pillow that is too high we can cause muscle damage, so we must try different options until we find the best one for our body. Let's look at some of the things we should not do if we want to avoid heartburn . Firstly, there are the vices and dietary imbalances that should never be part of our lives: excess alcoholic beverages or coffee and the consumption of tobacco or saturated fats. On the other hand, we must also avoid frequent intake of pastry products, chocolate or even very acidic citrus fruits.

Beyond diet and habits such as smoking or drinking, heartburn can be caused or intensified by issues such as the type of clothing we wear, especially if it is too tight . Furthermore, returning to the moment of sleep, it is recommended to wait at least an hour before going to bed, since our body digests more efficiently if it is upright.


With good eating habits we can avoid heartburn


Another use of ardor refers to the inflaming or exaltation of passion or spirit . For example: “In the heat of the discussion, the president had an outburst,” “It is difficult to reflect on certain situations in the heat of the present,” “In the heat of the fight I didn't feel pain, but once everything happened I started to have various discomforts.”

As we can see in the first example, ardor is something very difficult or impossible to avoid, it is an emotional force that moves us and leads us to make too hasty decisions with different results. Raising your voice or insulting someone in a meeting is not acceptable, but standing by the fire that drives us to move forward is one of those that can bring good results .