Definition of



Using a typewriter is archaic.

Of Greek etymological origin is the term that concerns us now, archaic . Specifically, we can determine that it is a word that comes from archaikos , which can be translated as "ancient" and that it is the result of the union of two differentiated components:

-The noun arqué , which is equivalent to "beginning."

-The suffix -ikos , which is used to indicate "relative to."

Concept of archaic

Archaic is an adjective that refers to that which is old or has great antiquity . When the term appears written with an initial capital letter ( Archaic ), it refers to a geological period that precedes the Precambrian era in time.

For example: "The government must encourage investment to renew and update this archaic production system" , "It is an archaic train, which consumes a lot of fuel and moves at low speed" , "We will never be competitive if we have an archaic organization that does not "It is in keeping with these times."


A monocle is an archaic item.

What is outdated or out of fashion

Archaic is something outdated or out of fashion . Using a typewriter to compose a letter that is then placed in a paper envelope and sent to the recipient by postal mail is arguably an archaic practice: these days, most people choose to type on a computer ( computer) and maintain virtual communication through email.

Using the lens for only one eye known as a monocle is also archaic. In ancient times, wealthy men often wore a monocle and top hat and wore tails . Over the years, that clothing fell into disuse. Today someone who wears these elements has an archaic appearance, typical of another time .

Archaic Aeon

In geology , the eon is one of the possible temporal divisions. If the Precambrian is divided into eons, we find the Archean eon , which succeeds the Hadean eon and precedes the Proterozoic eon . The Archean eon spanned 1.5 billion years.

We can also establish that the Archaic eon is considered to be subdivided into several eras. We are referring to the Neoarchean (2,800 – 2,500 million years), Mesoarchean (3,200 million years), Paleoarchean (3,600 million years) and Eoarchean (4,000 million years).

The notion linked to America and Ancient Greece

No less relevant is to highlight the existence of what has been called the Archaic Period of America, which is called the period referring to this continent and which corresponds to the Neolithic of universal Prehistory.

All this without forgetting that there is also the so-called Archaic Era, which refers to a stage in the history of Ancient Greece . It is considered that it begins with the celebration of the first Olympiad (776 BC) and comes to an end, or at least its final stretch begins, with what is the well-known Ionia Revolt (499 BC). We can determine that it was a very important conflict that was established between the Greeks and Persians. Specifically, it is considered the first large-scale confrontation between these two parties, so much so that it would even later lead to the well-known Medical Wars .