Definition of



Noah's Ark is a ship that, at the request of God, was built with the objective of saving Humanity from the universal flood.

Arca es un término que tiene varios usos. La primera acepción mencionada por el diccionario de la Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) hace referencia a una box que dispone de tapa y que cuenta con cerraduras para asegurarla. Por extensión, se llama arca al place where money and other valuables are kept.

Before moving forward, it is important to determine the etymological origin of the concept. In this case we can say that it is a word that comes from the Latin arca and this from the verb arcere , which can be translated as “keep” . These words have an Indo-European root which is arek- , equivalent to “contain” or “keep” .

For example: “The criminals were looking for the chest where the businesswoman keeps her jewelry,” “The municipality's coffers are empty: the authorities do not know how they will pay the salaries of state employees in the coming months,” “Sustained economic growth makes the State coffers enjoy good health.”

Noah's Ark

Arca is also the name given to a type of boat . This use of the notion is usually associated with Noah's Ark , a ship that, according to sacred books of different religions, was built by Noah at the request of God with the aim of saving Humanity from the universal flood .

The Bible , the Torah and the Koran include mentions of this ark. Tradition indicates that God ordered Noah to build a boat so that people and animals would be safe from an intense and prolonged rainfall that flooded the planet. Those saved by Noah in his ark made it possible, in this way, to repopulate the Earth from their descendants.

It is important to mention that there is no geological evidence of the existence of the universal flood. The story is part of the religious stories that have little factual support, but are sustained through the faith of believers.


Beyond religious beliefs, there is no evidence about the real existence of Noah's Ark.

The Rosskowizky Expedition

During the 20th and 21st centuries , expeditions have been carried out that have served to discover findings that could prove the existence of Noah's Ark . Thus, for example, in 1916 a Russian explorer named Vladimir Rosskowizky stated that he had found a boat half-buried under the ice on Mount Ararat that could be the ship in question. This discovery generated such a stir that even Tsar Nicholas II himself sent researchers who supported the hypothesis.

However, what is certain is that today there is no real certification that can categorically affirm what Rosskowizky stated.

Movies about Noah's Ark

It is interesting to note that the biblical ark and its history have always aroused great interest. Hence, cinema has not hesitated to bring them to the big screen on more than one occasion.

Good examples of this are feature films such as the Argentine-Italian “El Arca” ( 2007 ) or “Noé” ( 2014 ), a film starring the famous actor Russell Crowe .