Definition of


agricultural machine

A plow is a tool used to make furrows in the ground and till.

A plow is a tool used in agriculture to create furrows in the land and till . The plow can be moved by mechanical action or through the power of an animal.

With the plow, ditches or ditches are created in the land and the soil is removed. Once the plow has fulfilled its function, the sowing begins. The action performed with a plow is known as plowing .

History of the plow

The plow is one of the most important inventions in the history of agriculture , dating back several millennia BC; Specifically, the oldest evidence of this tool takes us to the second half of the 4th century BC. C., in the Middle East ; Thanks to its incorporation into agricultural activities, the work of the workers became much easier, since until then they used shovels, pickaxes and hoes to carry out the sowing of seeds.

The first plows were pulled by humans , who had to use a lot of force to move the mechanism through the field . Despite the physical effort that people from the lower classes had to make, planting became much more profitable than before, and this translated into a benefit for everyone, to a greater or lesser extent.

The oldest plows were made entirely of wood. When the Romans implemented the use of an iron blade, they also began to use animals such as oxen, horses, and mules to mobilize the plow. From then on, manufacturers sought to adapt the design to the presence of draft animals. Although currently it is common for a tractor to be used to pull the plow, the use of horses still continues, something absolutely unnecessary given the technology we have available.

animal exploitation

Plows drawn by horses, oxen and other species imply a case of animal exploitation.

animal exploitation

It is very important to highlight that animal exploitation is a problem to be solved, something that human beings should leave behind once and for all. Tractors are no longer a novelty or a luxury item, so their economic cost should not be an excuse to avoid them. Although horses, mules and oxen are much stronger than us, this does not mean that they should or want to undergo this type of work , nor does it mean that their bodies do not suffer after long hours of forced activities.

As with the replacement of the traditional plow with the motorized one, there are other movements that focus on protecting animals from exploitation by offering entrepreneurs mechanical alternatives. For example, there are several initiatives that seek to eliminate the use of horses to pull the typical tourist carts in large cities; Instead, they propose using motorized vehicles, even looking like horses (although the latter is not exactly a very animalistic touch).

These modern plows, made of metal , are integrated into a chassis that is hooked to the tractor. In the lower sector there is a piece known as a swallow , which can be replaced since, with intensive use of the tool, it suffers significant wear.

Types of plows

According to the task they perform, we can differentiate between different types of plows. The one that only works on the surface of the land is called a cultivator plow , since it prepares the land for sowing.

Other plows can turn the soil ( disc plow ), dig and move it ( mouldboard plow ) or even create conduits that promote water drainage ( plow plow ).

a german company

Arado , finally, is the name by which the company Arado Flugzeugwerke was known.

This German company, dedicated to the manufacture of aircraft, was founded in 1925 and was in operation until 1945 .