Definition of



Exploitation consists of making useful use of something.

Exploitation is the act and result of taking advantage or taking advantage . This verb (take advantage) refers to the useful use of something , obtaining everything possible from its performance .

For example: “The use of natural resources is essential for the growth of the city” , “To improve the state of the environment, we have to encourage the use of waste, reusing it” , “Pay attention: the use of this course “It can help you get a job.”

What is exploitation

Exploitation is linked to taking advantage : that is, to making something useful, beneficial or fruitful. If we take the case of land use , to cite one possibility, the notion is linked to exploiting the land to obtain food or something else that is useful. A field where there are no crops and no animals is wasted: the use of the land could be achieved by planting soybeans, tomatoes or corn, or allowing livestock to graze.

In some contexts, the idea of ​​exploitation has a negative connotation , since it is associated with taking advantage of a person, an animal or something through abuse or deception : “I cannot tolerate the exploitation of innocent children.” , “The use of the elderly is something that outrages me” , “People condemned the company's use of the most humble residents” .


The idea of ​​taking advantage can refer to taking advantage of someone through deception.

Returning to the example of the wasted field, it is possible to say that raising animals to exploit them is taking advantage of them: what millions of people see as a necessary use of the resources that nature offers us, others consider it a use of innocent beings that are reduced. to objects and treated like slaves in an absolutely unjust manner.

a duality

The term exploitation seems to have in its genes this duality between the fair and the unfair, the necessary and the capricious, a fine line that makes it very difficult to value an action and know if it is about "taking advantage" or "taking advantage of." Perhaps the reason for this ambiguity is due to the difficulty that also arises when distinguishing a right from a privilege.

For atheist people, there is no divine design that allows us to use nature to satisfy our needs ; However, although there is no divine entity that gives us the rest of the species so that we can exploit and consume them, the pride of the human being reaches the same conclusion: we have the right to do so, because we are superior.

Starting from this premise, we say that capturing and imprisoning an animal, raising it isolated from its natural environment and its family, preventing it from moving freely and fulfilling its true functions, killing and dismembering it is part of our right to take advantage of nature 's resources. ; From the point of view of our victim, his parents, siblings and friends, it is surely - at the very least - an act of exploitation.

Urban use

In Spain , finally, urban use is a legal concept that is linked to subordinating the ownership of land to a social purpose and to the participation of the people in the capital gains produced by the urbanization of a public space.

This concept is also known as the right to urban use and can be defined as the quantification of the right to build by making what is built one's own , the translation of the Latin expression ius aedificandi , which has its roots in Roman law . It is important to note that this should not be confused with the surface right, since this is the only one of both that contemplates the immediate construction on the ground, while the first is a mere instrument of the urban planning technique of equal distribution of burdens and benefits. .