Definition of



The appropriation of someone else's property is a crime.

Appropriation is the process and result of appropriating or appropriating . This verb refers to making something your own .

The term derives from the Latin verb appropriare , which is divided into several clearly delimited parts:

  • The prefix ad- , which means “towards” .
  • The pro element, which is equivalent to “in favor.”
  • The adjective privus , which can be translated as “private” .
  • The suffix -ar , which is used to indicate that it is a verb.

Appropriation in law

There are several uses of this notion. In the field of law , the assets that are susceptible to appropriation are those whose ownership can fall directly to their owner, who can dispose of them freely within the provisions of the law. Appropriation, in this framework, marks the fact of keeping ownership of something .

If someone assumes ownership of another's property to obtain a profit, they commit the crime of misappropriation . According to each legislation, it is possible that misappropriation is considered a scam , differentiating from theft and robbery by the mechanism used by the criminal to appropriate the property.

Based on the amount of what was defrauded, the economic damage that has been done to the affected party, the means used for the appropriation and even the relationship between the affected party and the offender, the penalty for the aforementioned crime will be established. A penalty that, in addition to the appropriate financial amount, can lead the guilty party to spend even years in prison.

The theory of original appropriation , on the other hand, maintains that the person who peacefully keeps a resource that had no owner becomes its legitimate owner.


Cultural appropriation is a phenomenon that was enhanced by globalization.

The concept in culture

We cannot ignore the existence of what has been called cultural appropriation . It is a phenomenon that consists of adopting and assuming elements from other cultures and then proceeding to incorporate them, in an unreflective manner, into one's own.

This type of appropriation has experienced a significant boom in recent years as a consequence of globalization .

Among the elements that can be the object of this cultural adoption are everything from tattoos to music, including dances, parties, traditions, ways of dressing and even expressions.

baby appropriation

Baby snatching is a crime that involves the criminal kidnapping a newborn child, stealing it from its mother, and then hiding its identity from her.

The military regime that ruled Argentina between 1976 and 1983 carried out these practices systematically: many pregnant women who opposed the dictatorship or who were linked to opponents were kidnapped and housed in clandestine detention centers. Once they gave birth, their children were stolen by the military, who gave them up for adoption illegally and hiding the child's origin.

Currently, organizations like Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo work to find those children - who grew up without knowing their history - and give them their identity back.