Definition of

Experiential learning

Professional internships

Professional internships contribute to experiential learning.

Experiential learning is a process that consists of acquiring knowledge and skills through experiences . Training is achieved through reflection focused on the practices that are developed.

Also known as x-learning , experiential learning requires that the experiences in question be structured according to the characteristics of the student and the goals to be achieved. The student, in this framework, develops an active role since experiences do not teach by themselves.

Origin of experiential learning

The origin of experiential learning dates back to Ancient Greece . Already the philosopher Aristotle , in the 4th century BC. C. , referred to the importance of learning something by doing it. However, it took a long time for this vision to be transformed into an articulated and systematized approach.

The American David A. Kolb is considered the founder of experiential learning, in the modern sense of the term. Kolb's learning cycle , released in the 1970s , is based on four stages that must be completed for experiential education to be successful.

The Kolb cycle

For Kolb , learning is achieved when the person manages to create knowledge from the transformation of experience. As we already indicated, this is possible through a sequence of four steps.

First of all, concrete experience appears. The student has to get involved in a specific activity, proposed by the educator or coach when the process is guided.

Once the experience has been developed, the student must make a reflective observation of it, analyzing what has been done and interacting with his classmates and the tutor to corroborate the information. The next instance consists of abstract conceptualization to transfer the concepts to the academic field.

Kolb's learning cycle continues with active experimentation . The individual has to apply what they have learned in a real context, which will allow them to produce a new experience so that the cycle continues.

It should be noted that, for Kolb , the experiential learning process can begin at any of the aforementioned stages; Anyway, it usually starts with a specific experience.


Experiential language learning is one of the pillars of language immersion programs.

Characteristics of experiential learning

Experiential learning can be based on different active methodologies, such as simulations , peer mentoring , laboratory practicals and field study . Due to its characteristics, it shares features with experiential learning , practical learning and immersive learning .

Educational trips, discussions and group work can also be part of experiential learning. In this way, a contextualized teaching is specified from which general knowledge can be produced.

In any case, it should be taken into account that experiential learning is not always carried out with a teacher: sometimes, it develops in a natural, spontaneous and autonomous way. The essential thing is that the learner manages to create meanings based on their experiences.

In any case, it is necessary for the subject to take an active participation in the experience and to have the ability to reflect on what has been experienced. Likewise, you must be able to advance in conceptualization.


Experiential language learning is one of the pillars of language immersion programs.

Some examples

It is easy to understand experiential learning by paying attention to situations that usually occur in everyday life. Suppose someone wants to learn to swim : they can acquire knowledge by reading about it or simply by experimenting in the water. Most likely, experiential learning will be much more enriching and useful than that which occurs through theory.

Something similar happens with learning to ride a bicycle or play soccer since the practice itself appears essential. In other cases, the experiential works as a complement or allows progress, as is the case with immersive language learning made possible by study abroad programs.

Internships , mentioned above, are key to experiential learning. Everything that was learned theoretically in classes can be enhanced and reinforced in work practices thanks to first-hand experience. Learning on a formal level how to make an accounting balance is not the same as making a real balance with the specific data of a real company, to mention one possibility.

Advantages of experiential learning

The advantages of experiential learning are numerous. Among the most mentioned by specialists is the increase in student motivation , who achieves greater autonomy and promotes their own personal development .

Experiential learning also helps to display different ways of thinking , contributing to creativity. When what is learned from experience is transferred to other contexts, problem-solving skills are enhanced and better decisions are made.

Beyond the possibility of developing autonomous experiential learning, the intervention of a teacher, professor, coach, mentor, instructor or director favors performance. Even parents can assume the role of guides and promote experiential teaching , accompanying their children in exploratory learning.