Definition of

Autonomous learning


Autonomous learning requires critical thinking skills.

Autonomous learning is a process that an individual carries out to acquire knowledge and achieve skill development independently . In this way, the person searches for and uses certain resources on their own.

It should be noted that the idea of ​​learning refers to obtaining knowledge or skill. Autonomous , on the other hand, is that linked to autonomy (that is, independence).

With autonomous learning, therefore, the student assumes responsibility for his or her training, setting objectives according to his or her interests or needs and evaluating his or her progress. There is no teacher or professor who defines the steps to follow nor is there an obligation to attend class regularly.

Characteristics of autonomous learning

Autonomous learning is associated with self-education and self-directed study . Those who wish to learn drive the training process themselves, seeking to achieve cognitive skills that contribute to their personal development.

It is an active learning that, although it is based on autonomous education , can count on the assistance of a guide or a pedagogy expert to solve problems. Beyond this intervention, the essence lies in self-learning .

Educational empowerment requires creativity, reading competence, and intrinsic motivation to advance. The person must have study skills that allow them to learn effectively, assimilating the content.


Self-assessment is essential in autonomous learning.

The role of educational institutions

It should be considered that, although autonomous learning is related to self-learning , the modality is also present in schools, universities and other educational institutions. In this case, the aim is to encourage student-centered learning as part of the set of strategies that are applied in the different pedagogical approaches.

Autonomous learning, in this framework, appears as an educational innovation where the educator assumes a role of companion. The purpose is to strengthen the student's abilities to learn on their own, appealing to this objective to activities that are complementary to those done in class.

Thus, the student has to search for information and solve problems beyond the limits of the educational establishment. What the teacher does is guide him on where and how to find the data necessary to achieve the goal.

It can be stated that autonomous learning in the context of formal education aims to introduce the student to the method of continuing education , leading him to investigate and analyze information on his own and instilling in him the ability to take control of the direction and evaluation of his learning.


Planning autonomous learning helps achieve goals.

What is needed for autonomous learning

Autonomous learning requires a series of capabilities, qualities and values ​​to be carried out. Otherwise, the student is likely to end up failing in the process.

  • Responsibility : The student has to define the strategy, set the goals, select the resources and evaluate their progress. To advance, consistency is essential.
  • Independence : Decision-making is the responsibility of each person, who must be willing to exercise that power.
  • Flexibility : Adaptation to different circumstances and situations is key.
  • Curiosity : The student must feel the desire to know more.
  • Critical thinking : Evaluating what you read with a critical eye is vital for the development of new ideas.

The importance of interaction

It should be considered that, although the most relevant are autonomous competencies, this type of learning does not dispense with interactions. Emotional intelligence and communication skills are necessary since self-learning can be promoted through contact with other people.

As we already indicated, a coach or tutor can provide guidance and support to facilitate autonomous learning. At the same time, the student has the possibility of communicating with other students to share ideas and overcome certain obstacles together.

Feedback , in short, is transcendental for the construction of knowledge. This path helps to optimize autonomous learning without the subject giving up independence.

Autonomous learning and technology

Autonomous learning has grown a lot in recent decades thanks to technology. The CD-ROM was a first step to massify this type of learning, although the development of the Internet produced a true revolution.

Educational technology allows e-learning or digital learning . It is virtual learning since it does not require physical materials other than a computer or a phone with access to the Web. It is also mobile learning : the phone or a notebook makes it possible to learn anywhere.

Of course, taking advantage of this form of online education requires computer skills that allow you to find and use the available options. Therefore, basic digital literacy is essential to be able to search on the Internet and connect to the educational platform in question.

One of the best tools for autonomous learning through the Internet are MOOCs (massive open online courses). Prestigious institutions invite you to train through these courses that require an active role from the student.