Definition of


Apostille explanatory note

An apostille adds information to a text or speech

An apostille is a comment that adds information to a text , contributing to its interpretation or clarifying it. The term derives from postilla (a gloss or note), whose etymological origin is found in the Latin post illa (that is, "after that" ).

Notes in the margin or at the end

Apostilles are notes that are included in the margin or at the end of the text . Its purpose is to complete or comment on the content . The concept can also be used with respect to the observation that is made orally about what is expressed in a speech or a dissertation .

For example: “The match promises to be vibrant since both teams arrive undefeated and share the lead in the standings. And another note: the captains of the teams starred in a tough dialectical confrontation in a recent television program," "A note on what the president said: although it is true that salaries grew, they did so below inflation, which which implies that people lost purchasing power,” “In the notes of his best-known essay, the writer detailed the difficulties he went through in developing his research.”

In the first example, we see that after the declaration of the main or most relevant facts of a match that is about to take place, the issuer wants to add more information, which apparently he does not consider so important and for this reason he includes it in an apostille. . In this case it makes a lot of sense to separate the message into two parts, since only the first is related to the sport itself, and the second is more typical of the players' personal lives.

The second sentence presents us with a somewhat different use of the concept of apostille, at least in terms of the position of the person who pronounces it: while in the previous one it was the issuer himself, in this one it is a third party who considers it interesting to add information to what was said. by another person . This is information that someone adds to those provided by the head of government, with the intention of making it clear that the situation is not as favorable as the latter wanted to present it to the people.

Finally we have a comment about the apostilles belonging to a literary essay, made by the author himself, in which he decided to tell the readers certain details related to his research process to write the work.

Hague Apostille

Also called an apostille , or Hague apostille , is a method that allows the verification of a document and thus legalizes it within the framework of private international law . This apostille involves the addition of a sheet to the copy of a public document or, in certain cases, the addition of a digital signature. It is worth mentioning that the name The Hague apostille is linked to the fact that, in 1961 , this legalization system was accepted at the Hague Conference on Private International Law ( COHADIP ).

Hague Apostille

The Hague, city in the Netherlands where the homonymous apostille is issued

In certain countries, such as Spain, it is possible to obtain the Hague apostille through the Internet, as a certificate or electronic signature , as mentioned in the previous paragraph. For this, the existence of an electronic registry that replaces the traditional one is common to be able to follow the apostilles that are issued by this means.

Returning to COHADIP, it is an international organization whose central office is located in The Hague and its objective is to standardize standards that are only valid in certain parts of the world so that they can be enforced in other countries. As of 2021, the number of members it has was 89 .