Definition of



Band-aids are the best known dressings.

A dressing is a product that is applied to an injury , covering it . This word derives from the Latin apposĭtum .


Dressings can be secured with a bandage , cloth , or similar item. In some cases they are self-adhesive , so they can cover the wound without the need for any additional implement.

When we secure them ourselves using a bandage or cloth, we have two options: tie a knot being careful not to put too much pressure on the affected area, or use a self-adhesive product to keep the dressing in place. Pharmacies sell tape specially made for this purpose, which adheres very easily to the fabric. It is important, in turn, that the dressing does not adhere to the wound itself, and that is why we must place it with special attention .


The main action of the dressing is to prevent the development of an infection . But it is also used to promote healing . The dressings must be sterile, they must have absorption capacity and be impermeable to prevent the passage of water and particles.

Of course, these items must not be toxic and also do not have to cause allergies , since if so they would not only not fulfill their purpose but would worsen the user's condition even more. We must inform ourselves properly before placing a dressing on a wound, to know how to disinfect it, how long to wait before dressing it and how often to repeat the process.

Most popular dressings

Among the best-known dressings are adhesive bandages or sanitary adhesive strips , known in some regions as plasters or band-aids due to trademarks. These strips have a sterile dressing in their central part and are self-adhesive at their ends: this way, when someone suffers a minor injury, they can cover the wound with a dressing of this kind.

Postpartum dressings

Postpartum dressings are used by women after giving birth. Located in the genital area, these dressings absorb eventual bleeding and urine leaks.

Mothers need to take good care of themselves after giving birth, since it is a process that requires great physical and mental exhaustion. The postpartum dressing is one of the many tools that you can use to achieve a certain degree of comfort during this special and demanding time.

It does not matter whether the birth was carried out by cesarean section or through the vagina, the passage of fluids such as blood in significant volumes still occurs for several days, although in each woman the characteristics of this phenomenon may be different.

Regarding the characteristics of the dressing, on one side it has a fabric surface that rests on the skin. Its action consists of letting moisture pass through but not retaining it, so that the sensation to the touch is of being dry. The opposite side is waterproof. It may also have a small pocket where the absorbent piece is placed, usually made of cotton , and wings to maintain a firm grip .

gauze roll

Gauze is ideal for protecting the area near the wound.

Post-surgical dressings

Post-surgical dressings are used to accelerate the healing of mildly exuding wounds left after surgery. Due to their absorption capacity, they help keep the area dry.

In terms of their action, they are similar to the previous ones, since they offer a certain degree of comfort and security after a delicate intervention. In this case they can also be complemented with products such as healing powders, highly recommended to accelerate wound closure and reduce the risk of complications such as infections. Depending on the area of ​​the operation , the person may need help applying the dressing.