Definition of

To settle down

Person lounging in front of the fireplace

To slump means to get into a comfortable position to rest.

The notion of becoming complacent is used to refer to what happens to an individual when he or she becomes lazy or slacker . When becoming complacent, the person adopts a passive attitude and tries to put aside efforts and obligations .


The concept generally refers to someone who decides to make themselves comfortable and give up, at least momentarily, something they don't feel like doing. The idea is used symbolically to refer to stillness , inactivity or lack of initiative .

For example: “After settling into his favorite chair , the man asked his wife to bring him a can of beer to enjoy the game” , “It seems that your father can't watch someone slacking off because it immediately starts to get annoying, he always does the same thing…” , “The only goal of some young people is to slack off on the seashore all summer long; in my case, I prefer to invest at least part of my free time in enriching activities, such as studying a language or visiting museums” .

In the first sentence we have an example of two quite different attitudes : on the one hand, the man decides to sit down and watch a football match, which is perfectly acceptable, since we all have the right to enjoy our passions as we please; however, we can wonder why the woman is not interested in sport, given that nowadays we know that it is not an exclusive taste of one sex, and also why our protagonist does not get up to get his own can of beer. In any case, both parties are adults and, therefore, responsible for their relationship.

The second example is different, as it talks about an older man who has a tendency to bother people who are sitting down or getting ready to rest. This is what the speaker says, who accuses him of having an annoying attitude, although we do not have another version to be able to contrast it. Finally, it talks about a fairly characteristic trait of youth, which is to enjoy the moment, especially during the holiday season at the beach. The speaker, on the other hand, despite being part of the same age group, says that he prefers to do something that enriches him on an intellectual level.

Refusing to change

To settle down, on the other hand, refers to adapting to a position or office , remaining in it without making an effort or without changing: “I believe that the president intends to settle down in the presidential chair and continue directing the country's destiny forever, but we are not going to allow it” , “After settling down in the command post, the manager began to show his true face” , “No one can settle down in government, since all leaders and officials must be accountable to the people on a daily basis” .

Girl reading on the sofa

After settling in, we tend to do what we really want.

This meaning of the verb apoltronarse has a negative sense, unlike the previous one, which simply refers to putting the body in a more comfortable position. We are faced with a meaning that is related to reducing the degree of effort to a minimum , to the point of denying one's own responsibilities and obtaining benefits that do not correspond to us. The first example clearly shows this: a president who intends to hold on to his position for an indefinite period of time, a practice that thanks to the history of humanity we know does not bring good results.

In the second sentence we see a different meaning: the manager settles into his position, and when he knows that they will not be able to remove him, he begins to act in a reprehensible way. This indicates that at first he acted in a false way so that no one would suspect his true intentions. We end with a sentence that reminds us of the responsibility that politicians have to act in a clear manner towards citizens.