Definition of


Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley's nickname was the King.

Nickname is a term that refers to the nickname given to an individual according to some physical characteristic or circumstance. There are nicknames that are affectionate expressions, while others seek to make a fool of the person or make fun of them.

The most common nicknames are linked to body issues: Fat , Skinny , Black , etc. Its use can be simply appealing, but also discriminatory or aggressive. The subject who receives the nickname, on the other hand, may take it positively, indifferently, or with anger.

Many times the way the nickname is considered depends on the context . If one friend says to another “Hello, Gordo, how are you doing?” , the expression is probably not offensive. On the other hand, if you shout , “Come on, Gordo, hurry up, you're always late!” , the nicknamed probably does not feel comfortable.

offensive names

Offensive nicknames can have serious psychological consequences, especially during the most delicate stages of our development , such as childhood and adolescence. In an ideal world, no one would call another person a term that denotes some physical defect or mental incapacity; but the reality is that these are the most common types of nicknames.

It should be noted that not all people react in the same way to the same offense; In fact, the possibilities are endless and depend on a large number of factors related to each person's personality and experiences . Two extreme examples are an individual who sinks and blocks emotionally due to not being able to withstand the humiliation of his nickname, versus another who does everything possible to overcome himself and become invulnerable to attacks.


Many nicknames refer to animals. For example: Flea Messi.

Examples of nicknames

There are nicknames that, for multiple reasons, refer to animals . The Argentine soccer player Lionel Messi is often called Flea Messi , to cite one case. El Toro Acuña , El Tigre Falcao and Pitbull Medel are other soccer players with animal nicknames.

Nicknames are also often used in the field of music . Bruce Springteen is known as The Boss , while Elvis Presley was called The King .

According to the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), nicknames are written with a capital letter. The article used before the nickname, on the other hand, begins with a lower case letter: “Argentina won with a goal from La Pulga Messi” , “Tomorrow the Boss will sing at the National Stadium” .

Its use on the Internet

Since the arrival of the Internet into our lives, it has become extremely common to adopt one or more nicknames to communicate with other people, or even to identify ourselves with the various companies with which we establish ties. From the chat to our bank account, through the inevitable email box and profiles on social networks, this era is characterized by the widespread use of nicknames to move through cyberspace.

Just as an avatar allows us to show ourselves with the body, age and sex we want to have, the nickname gives us the opportunity to present ourselves in the best possible way, according to our needs and our tastes. In some cases it serves to refer to our hobbies or favorite artists, for example, while in others it can also serve to promote a professional activity.

Someone whose nickname is “singer81” can save a good portion of their presentation in a chat, or direct the conversation towards the area where they feel most confident from the beginning. On the other hand, "elNintendero" will surely make its way among Sony and Microsoft fans to find their fellow tastes without the need for bad drinks. In the professional field, it is very common to find users with nicknames that clearly indicate their specialty.