Definition of



An appendix can be an addition to a text that allows the main content to be expanded.

The Latin term appendix came to our language as an appendix . The concept has several uses: according to the first meaning included in the dictionary prepared by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), an appendix is ​​something that is added or attached to something else , as an accessory or complement.

For example: "In the report's appendix, the World Health Organization provides numerous statistics on child mortality around the world," "Readers can find all the sources I consulted in the book's appendix," "The new plant industrial will have an appendix that will serve as a deposit .

Appendix can be used as a synonym for addendum : what is added to a text with the aim of expanding the contents of the main body. A book, manual or contract may have appendices.

Types of appendix

There are many and varied types of appendix of this kind. However, among the most significant we can highlight the following:

-The appendices as a glossary of terms . Their clear function is to explain to the reader what the most significant and important terms that have been encountered throughout the publication mean. The usual thing is that they appear in the form of a list and ordered alphabetically.

-The address appendices . These are not physical addresses as such but rather web pages that are of interest in relation to the subject matter that has been addressed in the publication.

-Documentation appendices . As their name already indicates, they are those who try to collect and assemble important documents that explain what was stated in previous pages. As a general rule, they will appear in alphabetical order and next to the sources where they were obtained.

Broadly speaking, we can establish that these are the types of appendix that can be found. However, it is interesting to know that, in recent years and as a result of the advancement of technology, they can be presented in a different format than the rest of the publication. So, for example, it can be on paper and the appendices can be shown in pen drive or even CD or DVD format.


Inflammation of the appendix is ​​called appendicitis.

The term in biology

In the field of biology , the appendix is ​​a vestigial organ (it lost its functions with evolution) that is attached to the cecum (the first section of the large intestine).

Also called cecal appendix , vermicular appendix or vermiform appendix , it is a structure with a cylindrical and hollow shape.

Inflammation of the appendix

Inflammation of the appendix is ​​called appendicitis . This disorder causes severe pain and requires the appendix to be removed from the body through a surgical procedure called an appendectomy . If this operation is not performed, appendicitis can cause an infection that leads to peritonitis (an inflammation of the peritoneum that can cause death).

Among the most common symptoms that indicate the existence of appendicitis are dizziness to fever, diarrhea, loss of appetite or vomiting. However, the most striking is the set of pains in the lower right area of ​​the abdomen .

A structure of arthropods

In arthropods, finally, the structure that is made up of elements that are articulated with each other and that appear in pairs is called an appendix.

The wings , in this way, are appendages.