Definition of



A retainer can be an advance of money.

Advance o anticipation es la action and effect of anticipating or anticipating (prever, anteponer, aventajar, adelantar, hacer que algo suceda antes del time esperable). El término tiene su origen etimológico en el vocablo latino anticipation.

Giving an advance, therefore, consists of announcing or specifying something that, in principle, was expected for the future (whether near or distant). For example: “The president gave a preview to the press and stated that tomorrow he will meet with his Uruguayan counterpart to discuss various issues of regional importance,” “The coach preferred not to give any preview since he wants to elaborate at tomorrow's press conference.” ” , “The minister's advance surprised the Government since the measure has not yet been approved” .

The idea of ​​advance payment in the media

The notion of advance is very common in the media to refer to topics that will be discussed in future blocks or editions. A television journalist or a radio host can give previews of information that will be analyzed later in the same program : “Preview: what will happen to prices in the coming weeks? The Minister of Economy is arriving to explain to us the measures he plans to implement against inflation.”

Printed publications such as newspapers or magazines can also make advances: “In the next edition of La Gaceta del Sur, special analysis on the performance of the national team in the World Cup.”


On TV, a preview indicates what topics will be covered in the next blocks or editions of a program.

The term in music and computing

In the world of music , certain virtual stores offer their customers previews of a large number of songs; They consist of a fraction of the complete song, generally with a duration of around thirty seconds, thanks to which it is possible to appreciate aspects such as rhythm and style, although they intentionally avoid the best parts, in order to promote sales.

The demo , on the other hand, can be considered a form of preview of a product, and is very common in the computer and video game industry. A program with a percentage of its functions or with limitations such as preventing the saving of projects, or a few levels of a game whose final version includes dozens, are some examples of demos in these areas. In all cases, they are offered free of charge and sometimes have a deadline for use.

The advance payment as an advance of money

An advance, on the other hand, is an advance of money . If a person usually receives a salary of 1,000 pesos on the 27th of each month and asks his employer to advance part of that money, the company can give him an advance of 300 pesos and then, when the usual payment date arrives, complete his salary with the remaining 700 pesos.

This concept is also used in the field of real estate , to describe the amount of money that many landlords demand from their future tenants to ensure a resource in the event of non-payment or to use it in the event that the latter leave the home in very poor condition. , and that it is necessary to carry out reforms. In normal situations, once the contract term has ended, tenants recover the advance payment in full.

The concept linked to the telephone balance

Many mobile phone companies offer their customers a service that provides them with a credit advance when they are far from a charging station and their credit has run out. It is a very useful tool, especially in emergency cases, since it allows you to get enough money to make a few calls.

The conditions are usually the following: the company makes a small recharge and imposes a fee for said service; Payment is made the next time the user charges their card, simply deducting their debt from the credit acquired.