Definition of


Hidden identity

Anonymity means hiding someone's real identity through a pseudonym or false name, for example.

Anonymity is the condition or character of acting from the shadows, incognito and anonymously . It is, in short, a modality in which the author or person responsible for something remains hidden and unidentified since his or her real name is secret .

The authorship of an artistic production (a song or a story, for example) remains anonymous whenever it is not possible to specify or confirm the identity of its creator.

From anonymity , hiding in fake profiles or accounts without a real name , many people tend to flood social networks with violent or defamatory messages. Numerous public figures or those who enjoy notable popularity are frequently the object of ridicule, criticism and attacks by people who choose to hide their authentic data. To prevent or make it difficult for them to be recognized, those who have malicious intentions and seek to threaten, extort or defraud someone usually make a private call and use the voice distortion resource.

Anonymity throughout history

Before sharing data of interest that allows us to discover or remember how anonymity has been developed and used throughout History, it is advisable to review the definitions of notions linked to anonymity .

Thus, then, it is worth mentioning that pseudonyms allow authors to hide their true identity using an invented name. Another resource that is widely taken into account in certain areas is that of aliases , in order to make oneself known through a nickname or nickname .

A long time ago, for example, with the aim of escaping the prejudices of the time and achieving visibility, there were women writers who deployed all their creative talent in works that they chose to sign with male pseudonyms or ambiguous aliases . This was the case of, for example, Louisa May Alcott , who temporarily protected her real name by signing some of her productions as AM Barnard . His colleague Cecilia Böhl de Faber y Ruiz de Larrea , for her part, adopted the fictitious name of Fernán Caballero for her literary career.

Nor can it be ignored that important titles of universal literature, among them “The life of Lazarillo de Tormes and his fortunes and adversities” , are of anonymous authorship or, at best, there are certain indications that are not enough for a official confirmation but to fuel suspicion about who may have created a certain poem, story, etc. A large number of writings that nourish medieval literature, as can be seen when analyzing them, are not attributed to anyone in particular, that is, they are anonymous .

Currently, Internet users who seek to remain anonymous implement strategies such as having a hidden IP address using the VPN (Virtual Private Network) service or the browser known as Tor (The Onion Router) .

Anonymity , for some artists who at a certain point in their existence enjoyed overwhelming fame that prevented them from having a “normal” life, is a precious asset since, by moving away from acting or the musical field and adopting a low profile, They regain freedom and do not feel exposed, persecuted or observed minute by minute.

Disguised identity

The mask is a useful resource for those who want to hide their face so as not to be easily recognized.

Modalities and resources

There are multiple modalities and resources to guarantee someone's anonymity in different circumstances.

With a costume and/or a mask an individual can avoid being recognized in person, by indicating a possibility.

If considered by Justice as a protected witness , however, the subject must be given guarantees for his or her safety . For this reason, measures are dictated to preserve identity and protect their physical integrity.

A spy or secret agent (also called a covert agent ) implements camouflage techniques that allow him to infiltrate and obtain information while remaining as unnoticed as possible so that no one suspects his true intentions or activities associated with the intelligence services or the detective industry.

In the modern era, digital anonymity is achieved with proxy servers, an anonymous email address , etc.

Virtual anonymity

A person can create a false profile or hide their true identity and attack, defame or commit various crimes online.

Debates linked to anonymity

Given the massive use of anonymity and the multiplication of problems or dilemmas arising from events carried out by people (whether one subject or more) impossible to be individualized or recognized, debates frequently arise.

There are ethical questions that invite reflection, specifically, about limits, controversies and rights around anonymous donations of eggs and sperm.

Those who are in favor of anonymity on the Internet , on the other hand, defend their position by exalting the importance of freedom of expression and the right to give an opinion while protecting privacy , without exposing themselves to possible attacks, consequences or reprisals. Of course, when anonymity is used to avoid taking responsibility for one's actions and not assuming responsibilities, the results are dangerous and harmful, leaving victims of cyberbullying , virtual scams , etc. worldwide. In this framework, it can be said that anonymity provides, in some way, impunity and space for grooming and phishing , among other destructive and reprehensible practices that require children, young people and adults with access to the Web to be constantly informed in order to detect fraudulent maneuvers and protect yourself from unknown contacts.