Definition of



An anion is an ion with a negative charge.

To correctly understand the concept of anion , it is first necessary to study the meaning of ion . This term refers to the atom (or a set of them) that obtains an electrical charge from gaining or losing a certain amount of electrons .

Within the ions, therefore, we find the anion , which is an ion that has a negative charge . This occurs as a consequence of having gained certain electrons.

Types of anions

It is possible to distinguish between monatomic anions and polyatomic anions . In the first set, we find anions that exhibit a negative type of oxidation state, while, in the second, the oxidation state of each atom can vary, although the set is always linked from a general negative charge.

Monatomic anions are generally nonmetals whose valence has been completed by a gain of electrons. In the case of polyatomic anions, they are part of acids that lost protons or molecules that managed to add electrons.

Polyatomic anions that are derived from an acid are known simply as acid anions . The sulfide anion, for example, is formed when hydrogen sulfide suffers the loss of two hydrogen protons.


There are different kinds of anions.

The cations

When the ion has a positive electrical charge, however, it is called a cation .

Aluminum , lead, sodium, nickel, potassium, calcium and mercury are some of the chemical elements that are part of this group that, together with anions, make up the universe of ions.

Anion benefits

The benefits of anion for humans are many. Let's look at some of the most important ones:

* strengthens the immune system : thanks to the stimulation it produces in the group of cells that is responsible for defending our body by organizing and directing resistance to diseases;

* kills bacteria : when there is not enough oxygen, bacteria proliferate, but the anion gives us enough oxygen so that the former do not have many opportunities to stay alive;

* combats stress : although the anion has many beneficial actions for our health, its effects related to stress reduction are among the most notable. The secret is that it influences the release of mono-amino-oxidase, an enzyme related to the elimination of serotonin. The latter, for its part, is the neurohormone linked to mood;

* reduces allergies : its action collaborates with the cleaning of the air, eliminating smog, pollen and mites, among other allergens, improving the conditions of our environment.

Other positive contributions

The list goes on, and among the other benefits of the anion we find the following:

* collaborates with the relaxation of the mind;

* helps to overcome breathing disorders ;

* combats cases of anxiety and outbreaks of violence;

* has a very pronounced analgesic effect;

* helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol and lipids;

* collaborates with the regulation of blood pressure;

* Broadly speaking, it is correct to say that the consumption of anions produces a rejuvenating effect on both a physical and mental level;

* offers good results in problems related to memory loss;

* improves the performance of the digestive system.

Anion consumption

There are different ways to consume anion. For example, by drinking anionized water, which can be prepared in a matter of 24 hours using a bar known as hydroanion .

Anion tape is another recommended resource to obtain the aforementioned benefits, among others; In this case, it is a chewable product . There are also patches that are placed in direct contact with the skin, and they represent the most effective option.