Definition of


medical andrology

Andrology studies male sexual disorders

Andrology is the branch of medicine dedicated to the investigation of diseases that are specific to the male sex . Andrology above all focuses on those disorders that affect a man's reproductive capacity .

male sexual function

Andrology experts, therefore, analyze different issues linked to male sexual function . Infertility and erection problems are part of its approach .

Andrology is complemented by urology , which is the medical specialty focused on the urinary system . Both disciplines study problems that develop in the genital area.

Thanks to their knowledge, andrology specialists are able to diagnose and treat multiple problems that affect the reproductive capacity and sexual life of men . Treatments can be carried out through the administration of drugs or surgical interventions, to mention two possibilities.

Problems it addresses

Take the case of erectile dysfunction . This disorder appears when a man repeatedly has difficulty achieving or sustaining a firm erection that allows him to maintain sexual intercourse, making penetration difficult or outright impossible. The causes of erectile dysfunction can be varied: from the side effect of a drug to an injury , through an illness or a psychological impediment. To reverse this pathology, the doctor who specializes in andrology may prescribe a medication (such as Viagra ), indicate hormonal treatment , or suggest vascular surgery .

It is worth mentioning that balanitis , varicocele , testicular torsion and testicular cancer are other conditions treated by andrology. It is interesting to note that until not long ago, male sterility was associated with the quality and percentage of sperm, an outdated view that is currently being replaced by attention to the aforementioned problems, among others.

Andrology appeared to frame all these disorders and provide a men's health care service, which includes monitoring their sexual function and preventing all associated diseases. Returning to the issue of infertility, in statistical terms it is estimated that if a man and a woman fail to conceive a child after a year of having sexual relations without contraceptive methods, then it is likely that one or both of them suffer from it.

These cases are of special interest to andrology, since around forty percent are attributed to problems in men. Although sometimes the solution is relatively simple or not traumatic, the biggest problem is usually the modesty of consulting with a doctor, something that many men suffer when they cannot perform normally sexually with their partners.

modesty andrology

Many times, modesty prevents us from going to the doctor

Andrology and urology: differences

One of the reasons why these two disciplines are often confused is that andrology is a subspecialty of urology. The latter is responsible for diseases and injuries that may affect the urinary system, but it does so for both men and women : whether they suffer from cystitis, incontinence or stones of various types, these and other diseases that can affect both sexes, the urologist is the appropriate doctor to treat them.

The main difference with andrology, therefore, is that it is dedicated exclusively to men, to male reproductive disorders . We can already appreciate this by taking a look at the etymological origin of the word: the first of its three components is andros , a term of Greek origin that translates as "man"; then we have logos , which gives the idea of ​​"treatise, study or word"; At the end is the suffix -ia , which denotes "quality."