Definition of



An anchor allows a boat to be immobilized.

The term anchor derives from the Latin word ancŏra , although its most remote origins are found in the Greek language . An anchor is a very heavy element that is attached to a chain and thrown into the water from a boat so that it buries itself in the bottom so that the boat does not move.

The anchor, in this way, allows the ship to remain still beyond the currents . Generally, the anchor has two hooks that dig into the ground , preventing the boat from being dragged by the force of the water.

Parts of an anchor

It must be established that every anchor is divided into several parts. We are referring to the cane , the arganeo , the arms , the map , the nails and the stocks .

When the boat is very large, it is common for it to have three anchors: two in the bow area and the third in the stern. Anchors can weigh twenty tons when the dimensions of the boat are large.

As for the anchor chain , it is made of wrought iron. These chains are formed with links that, every 25 meters, have a link with particular characteristics (it can be disassembled). The chain is measured in shackles : 27.5 meter sections. This allows sailors to know how much chain is underwater after dropping anchor.


There are various symbolisms associated with the anchor.

Classification according to type

There are many and varied types of anchors that exist, among which we can highlight the following:

Grapnel anchor , which is frequently used by small boats. It is identified by the fact that it is very effective in bottoms where there is a lot of algae and a lot of rocks.

Anchor Danforth . It is one of the most popular varieties and is especially appropriate when it comes to bottoms with a lot of mud and even sand.

Plow anchor . This is considered one of the most common and has in its favor that it is usually very useful for all types of seabed, although it is not the most appropriate for those that are rocky.

Anchor symbolism

It is precisely necessary to know that many people who have worked at sea, who have been part of the sea army or who have a strong connection with it have proceeded and continue to tattoo an anchor on their body. In this case, you have to know that, in addition to being an evocation of the sea, this element is associated with other meanings:

-It is an amulet , since it is considered to bring good fortune.

-No less relevant is the fact that it is a symbol of stability , which the sailor achieved when he disembarked and returned home, to his home on dry land.

-It is considered that it can also be used as a synonym for security , tranquility , character...

It should be noted, in this way, that the idea of ​​anchor is used symbolically with reference to that which represents a burden , that holds or prevents progress . For example: “You have to quit this job: it is an anchor for your professional growth,” “This shopping center needs an anchor store that attracts shoppers and makes them stay in the place for several hours.”