Definition of

Trend analysis

Impact assessment

Trend analysis allows for an impact assessment.

Trend analysis is the process carried out to identify and evaluate patterns . It is the set of techniques and procedures that allow data to be studied in a temporal sequence, thus detecting how they evolve.

Analysis is called a detailed examination of something. A tendency , meanwhile, is an inclination or predisposition towards something.

It is important to indicate that trend analysis is developed in multiple areas. Digital marketing, economics and computing use these activities to generate knowledge, contribute to decision-making based on information and make predictions or forecasts that are based on previous behaviors and results .

Features of trend analysis

Trend analysis can be understood as a discipline that investigates how data changes over a certain period of time . In any case, the idea of ​​a trend varies according to the field.

In data mining or when working with big data , trends are patterns that reflect an orientation in the development of preferences or behaviors. They are presented, in this framework, as indicators that can be subjected to quantitative analysis. On the other hand, if we think about fashion trends , they are the result of a combination of social, cultural and commercial factors that are built collectively.

In a broad sense, trend analysis consists of describing what is happening . Based on this observation, you can anticipate whether it is possible to expect a phenomenon to continue or change.

Thus, trend analysis is useful to project a future scenario . This projection can be considered when designing a strategy or allocating resources, to name a few possibilities.


Operational efficiency can be improved with trend analysis.

Its development

Trend analysis is carried out in several stages. The first step is to make measurements or observations of the data or access a record of them. Then it is essential to proceed to visualize the data through graphs that help its interpretation.

The next phase involves identifying the cycles or patterns . This requires analytical capacity to interpret what is observed. By appealing to statistics, the trends themselves can be analyzed.

Finally, the trends that were identified can be extrapolated to propose what may happen in the future . This prediction consists of anticipating, at least in a certain range, results or values.

Accurate and effective communication of what was analyzed is also important in this process. Likewise, it is often necessary to review and update the trend analysis due to multiple factors.

Artificial intelligence

Trend analysis may include time series prediction using algorithms.

Examples of trend analysis

Trend analysis is applied in many areas. For example, an analysis of consumer trends can be carried out. This type of study allows us to visualize consumer behavior and thus make decisions regarding marketing actions, advertising campaigns, distribution of a product and commercial offers.

Economic activity in general, on the other hand, can be subjected to a trend analysis. Seeing the evolution of production, employment and inflation, for example, helps when establishing strategic planning or drawing up pricing strategies.

Financial markets are also often the protagonists of trend analysis. Investors often examine stock prices over time to detect whether there is an upward or downward trend. That is key when choosing to acquire securities or get rid of them.

Of course, trend analysis goes beyond economics and finance. Studying changes in the average temperature of planet Earth and sea level is essential to understand the dynamics of climate change , to point out one case. The analysis of trends also makes it possible to appreciate the evolution of the birth rate , the spread of a disease , the Internet connection , the crimes that are reported and the adoption of renewable energies , among many other issues.

The importance of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a vital role in trend analysis. There are tools to perform predictive analysis or develop regression models, among other tasks.

By appealing to natural language processing (NLP) , meanwhile, artificial intelligence can perform sentiment analysis . These trends are detected through opinions and comments on social networks, which reflect a perception.

Within the framework of market research, customer segmentation can be achieved with AI. Technology, by analyzing purchasing trends, recognizes subgroups, which can be targeted with specific advertising and actions.

Trend analysis with AI also uses the discovery of anomalies or deviations in a series of data. This is how sometimes it is possible to discover the emergence of a new trend.

Benefits of trend analysis

Trend analysis provides numerous benefits in different areas. Of course, the procedure must be done correctly to provide benefits.

Making decisions based on information is one of the most important benefits. By deciding based on patterns that are already developing, the margin of error is reduced.

This observation of patterns means that, if the interpretation is correct, trend analysis allows making forecasts or predictions regarding evolution. To mention a simple case: if the sale of smartphones has grown steadily for 15 years, and at the same time there is more and more connectivity in new markets, it can be anticipated that these sales will continue to increase.

With trend analysis, on the other hand, resource management can be optimized . Risk analysis also benefits from the study of trends.