An analysis is a process that allows you to identify the components of a whole, separate them and examine them to gain access to their most basic principles. Beyond this broad sense of the term, there are so many types of analysis that focusing on a single definition applicable in all areas is very complicated.
When talking about clinical analysis , for example, mention is made of a quantitative and qualitative examination of certain components of an organism. This exam allows developing a diagnosis of a situation linked to health .
Quantitative analysis vs. qualitative analysis
The distinction between qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis refers to the type of data with which they work. While quantitative analysis seeks to know quantities, qualitative analysis focuses on characteristics that cannot be quantified.
A quantitative analysis of the components of a drink may indicate that one liter of said substance contains 100 milliliters of component A, 450 milliliters of component B and 450 milliliters of component C. Qualitative analysis, on the other hand, may indicate that component A is sweet and helps improve the flavor, while components B and C provide acidity to quench the thirst of those who consume the drink.
Beyond the quantification or qualification of data, an analysis generally includes the observation of a phenomenon or element and an inspection or review with the objective of reaching a conclusion . Many times the analysis, with its consequent reflection , allows for a classification or categorization; develop an interpretation ; or make a well-founded criticism that can be presented in a report .
Genetic testing
A genetic analysis has the purpose of obtaining information about a person's DNA, ancestors, possible congenital diseases and a series of other data. It is generally done from a blood or saliva sample.
There are five types of genetic analysis:
- Tracing : Allows information about an individual to be obtained to determine recessive genetic disturbances that may be communicated through the genes. It is usually carried out between couples who want to have children and come from families with certain diseases to prevent possible complications in said child.
- Prenatal diagnosis : it is a genetic type test that is performed on babies before they are born; It is usually performed when there is a possibility that the baby is a carrier of some genetic disease or has other problems such as mental retardation or some type of physical disability .
- Examination of the newborn : It allows us to know when the child has just been born if he has any possibility of getting sick and in the event that this study is positive, it allows us to search for treatments that are available in order to anticipate the events and prevent negative consequences .
- Late-onset disorders : It allows us to discover diseases that are difficult to diagnose in adults, such as cancer or heart diseases whose causes may be genetic but with environmental elements that have led to them.
Any of these analyzes aims to obtain genetic information about a person in order to prevent possible disorders or find the appropriate treatment to face an existing problem.
Risk analysis
Another type of analysis can be risk analysis , which consists of a methodology tool that is used to understand investments in a local, national or international area, for example. In a general sense, it allows us to foresee certain disasters and evaluate those damages or losses that have arisen as a consequence of an external threat to a person or a group (municipalities, communities).
In order for it to be carried out, it is essential to take into account not only the threats, but also the vulnerability of the affected sector. Once a thorough study of the disaster and its consequences has been carried out, it is determined what capabilities the State has to face the reconstruction or healing of the damage caused and whether it will need international cooperation to do so. In short, thanks to this tool you can not only understand an ecological problem, for example, but you can also design an action plan to solve it and prevent similar future problems. Finally, it should be noted that the main purpose of risk analysis is to improve decision-making in order to prioritize investments at the local and national level.
The notion in statistics
In statistics there is the concept of multivariate analysis , which refers to the set of methods that statistics offers to break down the values of different variables, taken by one or several groups, and establish comparisons and generalizations.
It is a method that offers elements that univariate and bivariate methods do not have and, therefore, allows things to be resolved from a more exact statistical point of view, essential in certain cases.
Other types of analysis
An analysis can also be an evaluation , an examination or an investigation of an intellectual work or an event. The term is also used in reference to psychoanalytic therapy when referring to the evaluation of patients.
Some phrases where the notion appears in this sense may be: "We are going to have to subject the patient to a toxicological analysis to find out why he arrived at the clinic in this state" , "The manager dedicated several hours to analyzing the report" , " I think the coach's analysis of the game is very accurate .