Definition of


car shock absorber

The shock absorber is a suspension system device that reduces the consequences of shocks, jolts and violent movements.

The verb dampen refers to "to make something less strong or energetic." That which is damped, therefore, loses intensity and tends to fade or disappear.

Shock absorber

A shock absorber is a device integrated into the suspension system that is part of many vehicles and whose function is to cushion the consequences of shocks, jolts and violent movements . The vibrations and impacts that a car registers when driving, in this framework, are absorbed by the shock absorbers, so that these vibrations and shocks are not felt intensely by the passengers.

As the vehicle moves, each shock absorber opens (expands) and closes (compresses), allowing oil to circulate through valves and thus controlling suspension oscillations. By cushioning tremors and shocks, shock absorbers are very important for safety and comfort .

The shock absorber consists of a cylinder filled with oil or gas, with a piston and an internal valve. When the vehicle moves over an uneven surface, the piston moves up and down within the cylinder, compressing or expanding the oil or gas to absorb energy. Shock absorbers wear out over time and should be checked regularly. Excessive use can cause a decrease in car control, an increase in braking distance, and an uncomfortable ride. It is recommended to replace them according to the vehicle manufacturer's recommendations.

There are different types of shock absorbers, such as double tube , monotube and electronic adjustable . Each one has its own characteristics and is used in different applications.

Shock absorbers play a crucial role in road safety by maintaining vehicle control. A malfunction of this part can negatively affect braking capacity, cornering stability and occupant comfort.

In a symbolic sense

What can be cushioned can be symbolic , abstract or immaterial . Suppose a country is going through an economic crisis. The president takes a series of measures that he considers will be positive, but in the medium term. To cushion people's concerns , he offers a speech on national television where he announces an immediate assistance plan for the most vulnerable sectors and provides details about the program launched to get out of the crisis.

Let's look at some example sentences: “After last month's expenses, I will have to cushion the lack of money by limiting myself to offers” , “The city's restaurants asked the authorities for help to cushion the losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic” , “Having friends helps cushion the pain generated by the departure of a family member.”

Cushion jumps

To cushion the impact of touching the ground after a jump, gymnasts use a combination of specific techniques and skills, such as the following:

  • leg flexion : when touching the ground, they quickly flex their legs. This involves bending the knees and hips to reduce the force of impact on the joints and muscles;
  • force absorption : they also use their central musculature and core strength, maintaining a solid and stable body posture throughout the movement;
  • gymnast jumping

    To cushion the impact after a jump, gymnasts use various techniques and skills.

  • Landing technique : They focus on landing with proper technique, with feet together, leg muscles active and in a balanced position. They also try to land with a wider contact surface, gradually extending their feet toward the ground to better distribute the force of impact;
  • training and practice : They spend a lot of time training and practicing landings to improve their technique and strength. This includes working on specific exercises to develop leg and core muscle strength, as well as practicing in a variety of situations and surfaces.