Definition of


Referee warning yellow card

A referee cautioning a player with a yellow card

Reprimand is the act and result of admonishing : warning, sanctioning, punishing. The term has different uses depending on the context .

in sport

In the field of sport , warnings are sanctions that are applied to competitors when they violate the regulations. If a player does not respect the rules, depending on the type of foul, he or she may be cautioned by the judge.

In the case of football , the warning is represented by a yellow card . The referee shows this card to the footballer as a punishment and, in turn, conditions him for the rest of the match: if he receives a new warning, the athlete is automatically expelled from the field of play.

A soccer player can be cautioned for taking off his shirt to celebrate a goal , for example. Another possibility is that the reprimand is linked to an excessive protest.

In the school environment

In the Argentine educational system , on the other hand, reprimands were often used in secondary school to punish undisciplined students . By accumulating a certain number of warnings, the student was expelled from the establishment. In recent years, however, this method was put aside as it was considered that it did not help to improve the discipline .

In some legislations, meanwhile, a reprimand is a penalty that is applied for a minor infraction . This resource is intended to express disapproval of a certain behavior .

Ecclesiastical notification

An admonition, finally, is a notification that, in a church , allows the names of those who are going to be ordained or married to be made known, according to the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary. In this way, if an individual knows of an impediment to ordination or marriage, they can report it.

Labor reprimand letter

Known as a labor reprimand letter, it is a tool that companies use to communicate to their employees that they have not complied with certain obligations of their position. Its most important objective is to change incorrect behavior so that the worker can perform his tasks in accordance with the rules and does not disturb the order or negatively affect his colleagues, either influencing them or harming them due to the bad environment he created.

In other words, it is clear that when an employer sends one of these letters of reprimand to a worker, he does not have the intention of terminating his contract, but rather of helping him correct his faults so that he can keep his job. However, in this contact the company expresses that if the other party does not change its behavior, dismissal will be inevitable, so it is not a mere suggestion but a full-fledged warning . Note that in no way should it be taken as a threat: not only is it a legal measure but its tone is positive.

Labor reprimand letter

The letter of reprimand serves to demand that an employee correct his or her behavior.

In a labor reprimand letter, it is mandatory for the employer to describe the fact or behavior that it wants its employee to solve or modify, including all possible details. Both parties must sign this document, the delivery of which must be recorded. It is very important to note that the company must have evidence before issuing this sanction, because if the case leads to a trial it would be necessary to support its accusation. To find out if the offense in question is associated with a sanction, it is possible to consult the Workers' Statute .

The sanction can lead to a suspension of a duration that depends on the type of offense: if it is minor, 10 days; if it is serious, 20 days; if it is very serious, 60 days. On the other hand, the sanction expires once six months have passed since the event and the employer does not present any accusation.