Definition of



Amines arise from ammonia.

Amines are substances derived from ammonia , a gas that is made up of three hydrogen atoms and one nitrogen atom. When at least one of the hydrogen atoms of ammonia is replaced by aromatic or aliphatic radicals, an amine is obtained.

If a hydrogen atom is replaced, it is called a primary amine . In cases where two hydrogen atoms are substituted, the result is a secondary amine . Tertiary amines , on the other hand, are generated from the replacement of the three hydrogen atoms.

Another classification of amines depends on the alkyl groups , which give rise to two possibilities: when they are identical, then the amines are simple ; On the other hand, if they have different characteristics , amines are mixed .

Examples of amines

Aniline is a primary amine. This organic compound is used in the production of pesticides, explosives, paints and varnishes, among other products . It should be noted that aniline is toxic since it causes damage to hemoglobin.

Among secondary amines, diethylamine can be mentioned, a substance used to produce dyes, resins and other articles. If diethylamine falls on the skin , it causes a burn.

As for tertiary amines, one of the most common is trimethylamine , which is used in dyes and resins. The decomposition of plants and animals releases trimethylamine: the unpleasant odor of the process is due to the presence of this amine.

Different classes of amines have different characteristics. In amines of similar molecular weight , the primary and secondary amines have higher boiling points than tertiary amines, to cite an example.

Milk products

Cheese is a food that contains biogenic amines.

Nitrogen compounds

In a large number of drinks and foods, we can find nitrogenous compounds known as biogenic amines , which are fermented by lactic acid bacteria . Some of the most common examples are beer, wine, sausages and cheese , precisely four of the most consumed products in many parts of the world.

It is important to note that if the biogenic amines in a food item are present in high concentrations, this can have negative consequences for the health of consumers. Because of this risk, scientists are constantly working to ensure that they do not grow, and to do so they use processes such as freezing and refrigeration.

Despite efforts to limit the development of biogenic amines in foods, refrigerating and freezing them is not always enough , and therefore it is necessary to know how these compounds are formed, how they act and which are the most common, so that it is more possible to reduce their consumption and have them under control .

The most common biogenic amines

In food products, the most common biogenic amines are tyramine, histamine, spermite, putrescine, tryptamine, spermitemine and cadaverine. From this list we must highlight tyramine and histamine , which are most abundant in cheese , since they are the cause of the greatest number of food poisonings .

Since they can cause the formation of potentially carcinogenic nitrosamines from the reaction with nitrites, they have been considered risky substances . With respect to the toxic capacity of biogenic amines, it is necessary to point out that it depends on certain factors unrelated to them, such as the combination of their consumption with some medications, or even the sensitivity of the person; This makes the task of defining toxicity levels in each food very complex.

It should be noted that the term biogenic in the name of these substances refers to the fact that they arise from the activity of certain living organisms. In processes such as food fermentation , whether spontaneous or controlled, these amines proliferate.