Definition of



What is pleasant is entertaining or enjoyable.

In order to fully understand the meaning of the term ameno , the first thing we must do is discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from the word amoenus, which can be translated as "pleasant" or " charming ."

However, we can also emphasize that it seems that, in turn, this Latin word derives from another Greek word, ameinon , which is synonymous with "better."

This adjective refers to that which is pleasant, satisfactory or convenient . For example: "Yesterday we had a very pleasant meeting with the building manager" , "It was a fun and entertaining celebration" , "The cultural center has a pleasant space for reading" .

Characteristics of something pleasant

Generally, entertaining is associated with being easy to do : that is, with something that can be done or experienced without it being tedious, boring or annoying. A scientific conference can be boring if the speaker speaks in a monotonous tone, uses very technical language and does not use visual resources to support his statements. On the other hand, if the speaker is didactic, uses animations to complement his words and uses humor to attract attention, his talk will be entertaining.

Something that is enjoyable is essential to achieving satisfaction , since something that is annoying causes discontent and makes people lose interest. That is why it is said that school or university classes should be enjoyable so that students are motivated and stay attentive during instruction. If a student is bored in class, he or she is likely to stop following the teacher's explanation and, therefore, end up not learning the content being taught.

When a place is described as pleasant, the notion refers to the fact that it provokes pleasure due to its natural landscapes . A pleasant hill, for example, is covered with plants and flowers.


A pleasant landscape generates pleasure.

The term in culture

Within the cultural sphere, the term "entertaining" is also used a lot, since it is established that this is how everything should be, from a book to a play, including a film or a television series.

In the case of literature, it is established that a novel will be entertaining, attractive and of great value when it meets some of these requirements:

– At no time should it contain boring parts or stories.

– It should not have many adverbs and it is also not advisable to overuse the so-called passive voice.

– It must have a good protagonist, a character that does not leave you indifferent, either for good or bad. That is, he must either make the reader identify with him or make the reader reject him. But he must not go unnoticed.

– In the book, language must be used correctly at all times, to express what is desired and to adapt to the circumstances of the story.

-It must have a story where relevance is gained from ellipses, through peaks of attention and also through other drops in tension.