Definition of



A scope is an environment or context, whether physical or symbolic.

The concept of scope has its origin in the Latin word ambitus and can be used to describe the outline or perimeter of a site, place , space or territory. The idea of ​​scope, therefore, can be presented as that which refers to the area that is contained or comprised within certain limits .

For example: “The teacher told me that you can't listen to music so loud in this area” , “The play area is limited to those two rooms: the rest is for studying and working” , “This is the perfect area for relaxation” .

It should be noted that the scope can also be an ideal space (whether symbolic or abstract), which arises from the questions and issues of one or more subjects that are linked to each other: "A similar problem should be dealt with in the field of education and not from a judicial point of view" , "I believe that your question can be answered from the field of psychiatry" , "Martín's approach was out of place in this field" .

The concept in programming and music

In computer programming , however, scope describes the context of a particular expression or entity within a specific program. Scope allows a variable to be defined with the same name in different parts of the same program .

The scope or ambitus in music , on the other hand, is that which allows us to individualize the interval that occurs in a melody between the highest note and the lowest note. The notion, therefore, is associated with the technical language used when referring to an interpretation or melodic line.

The newspaper «Ambito Financiero»

Ámbito Financiero is an economic-oriented newspaper that has been published in Argentina since 1976 and was founded by the journalist and economist Julio Ramos . In terms of its editorial line, this newspaper represents the interests of the country's business sector. In its origins, it clearly expressed criticism of political decisions; until Néstor Kirchner assumed the presidency of the country, at which time the editorial profile ceased to be always critical, alternating criticism with numerous praises.

Today, unlike other newspapers that maintain a clear line, Ámbito Financiero is a space where both acclamations and fierce criticism of government decisions can be found.


The literary field is made up of everything linked to writers and books.

The literary environment

The literary field is known as everything that is related to the world of books ; it includes publishers, authors and works, that is, everything that concerns the market of letters.

Within this concept there is another related one, which is environment , which is linked to the literary universe of each author, that is to say: their cultural and experiential background. This includes their place of birth, artistic influences, childhood experiences, ideas and links to a cultural group, etc.

Although there are many authors within the same language, the environment of each one is different, especially if they belong to different time-spaces. For example, in America there are five different ways of speaking Spanish, that is, five borders: Central America and Mexico, Caribbean countries, the Andean zone, the Rioplatense zone and Chile. And, although in all these places the language is the same, the identity of the authors differs according to the region from which they come, and similarities can be found in the work of two writers who come from the same country .