Definition of


Miniature tree in glass bowl

Environmentalism is a movement that promotes the protection of nature.

Environmentalism is a term used in some Latin American countries to refer to environmentalism . This is the name given to the movement that promotes the care of ecology and the protection of natural resources.

Environmental defense

Environmentalism is an ideology , a philosophy and a current of political and social action focused on the defense of the environment . Environmentalists seek to make the population aware of the importance of preserving flora, fauna and nature in general and demand legal changes to guarantee said preservation.

The most important challenges of environmentalism include climate change , pollution and its impacts on health, the protection of the oceans, and the transition to renewable energy sources. These problems are urgent and require global cooperation to save the planet with concrete actions. It is also necessary to find a balance between market forces and state intervention to ensure the sustainability and preservation of natural resources.


Many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are part of the environmentalism movement. They play a crucial role in this field, working tirelessly to address environmental challenges and raise awareness about the importance of sustainability. Some of the most prominent NGOs in the field of environmentalism include Greenpeace, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) .

Greenpeace is known for its direct activism and focus on protecting biodiversity. They work on campaigns to stop deforestation, protect the oceans and fight climate change. The Nature Conservancy focuses on the conservation of natural areas, working on land protection and sustainable management of natural resources.

The WWF is dedicated to the conservation of wildlife and ecosystems . Its main objective is to stop the loss of biodiversity and promote sustainable practices in areas such as fishing and agriculture. IPEN focuses on the elimination of toxic pollutants and the promotion of safer alternatives.

These organizations play a vital role in protecting the environment and promoting sustainable practices. They work closely with governments, businesses and citizens to address the challenges of environmentalism and build a more sustainable future for all .

green parties

Environmentalism is also often involved in party politics through so-called green parties or ecological parties .

Green parties and environmental parties are political groups that focus on protecting the environment and promoting sustainability. They are based on the political ideology of environmentalism and share principles of social justice, non-violence and participatory democracy .

They emerged in the 1970s and have since established themselves in many countries, achieving electoral success in some cases. Green parties are concerned about issues such as the conservation of natural resources, nuclear energy, and pollution. Some examples of green parties are the Greens in Germany, the European Greens, and the Green Party in the United States .

Mother and baby apes protecting themselves from forest fire

Stopping deforestation is one of the challenges of environmentalism.


There are different aspects of environmentalism. There are environmentalists who focus on the need to take care of people's health , for which it is essential to maintain environmental balance. Other sectors of environmentalism, however, equally privilege all species and ecosystems over individuals. In a broad sense, various groups often work to minimize global warming and to promote recycling , for example.

The protection of life in all its forms and of natural resources in general, in short, can be promoted with different interests or from different positions. Trying to avoid soil degradation, water and air pollution and the disappearance of species is a moral objective, a subsistence plan or an economic strategy, depending on the case.