Definition of


Semiprecious stone

Amber is a semi-precious stone.

Amber is a resin of plant origin that went through a fossilization process and is considered a semi-precious stone . It is a yellowish or brown material that is hard although it can break quite easily.

In order to know the meaning precisely, it is important to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it is a word that derives from the Arabic anbar , which was used to refer to the ambergris that was generated in the intestine of the sperm whale.

Origin of amber

Resins such as amber are formed from the remains of plants , especially conifers. It is important to keep in mind that, according to its components, the characteristics and structure of the resin vary.

Its formation begins when the tree suffers some type of damage to its bark, causing its resin to come out. This secretion , upon reaching the outside, can harden due to various factors: for example, through a polymerization process that develops within certain rocks. In this way, the organic secretion of the tree fossilizes and gives rise to what is known as amber.

Hymenaea courbaril and Pinus succinifera are some of the trees whose resins can generate amber. The shades of this element are very varied: there is yellow amber, brown, green, white, red, orange, etc. Jewelry and various ornamental elements are made with amber.


An insect can become fossilized in amber.

Other information of interest

Other curiosities about amber are the following:

  • It is considered to be the oldest gemstone.
  • It is also known as a hot stone because the light it radiates gives the sensation that it burns your hand when you hold it. However, we must not forget that up to thirty different names are given to it.
  • The Persians called it kajruba and in Ancient Greece they referred to amber as electron . The Romans, for their part, opted to call it succinct .
  • Sometimes, while the resin fossilizes, insects , seeds, droplets or air bubbles remain trapped in the substance. The DNA of what is fossilized, therefore, is preserved over time.

Amber as an amulet or talisman

Some ancient people attributed supernatural qualities to amber. In this way it was used as an amulet or talisman . In some regions, there is still the custom of wearing amber for protection.

Among the properties or "powers" attributed to amber we can highlight the following:

  • They are considered to radiate such remarkable strength that the person who has one is protected from black magic. And it is established that it is responsible for absorbing all negative energies and transforming them into positive ones.
  • In the same way, it is indicated that it is capable of increasing creativity and intellect.
  • It helps the person in question improve their self-esteem, put aside nervousness and stress, relax, find peace...
  • There are those who even use amber as an amulet because it is believed that it helps find love and even increases sexual pleasure.