Definition of



Height is the measurement between a base and its upper end.

The term height has various uses. It is, on the one hand, the path that can be traveled vertically between an object or body and the ground or any other surface that it takes as a reference. This distance is known as height.

For example: “Look at that child playing at a high altitude, he can fall and get hurt” , “The flowerpot fell from a height of 10 meters before hitting the sidewalk” , “How do you plan to reach a jar located at that height without a ladder?” ?» .

A measure and a part of the air

Height, on the other hand, is the measurement of something that is calculated from its foot or base to its upper end: “I need to gain more height to be able to play basketball,” “My daughter has an impressive height, she has even surpassed the father” , “At 2.12 meters tall, John Tofflewy is the tallest player on the team” .

Height is also the part of the air that is at a certain elevation with respect to the ground and the estimated altitude according to the level of the ocean: “The game will be played at the height of the city of La Paz”, “It is difficult to run in the height since you run out of air.”


Height is important in basketball.

High jump

In the sports field, we cannot fail to mention that we also talk about height. Specifically, there is a modality called high jump and the objective of which is that the athlete in question must overcome a horizontal bar or bar that is supported by two vertical supports.

In this sense, it should be noted that currently the historical record at the male level is held by Cuban Javier Sotomayor, who has a mark of 2.45 meters. Meanwhile, in the female field, the athlete who holds this aforementioned honor is the Bulgarian Stefka Kostadinova, who in 1987 managed to reach 2.09 meters.

This test is one of the most important in any Olympics, specifically, it must be stated that the men's modality was present since the first Olympic Games, which were held in Athens in 1896. However, the women's modality would not be introduced. until the 1928 Amsterdam Games.

a virtue

The concept of height is also used in a symbolic sense to refer to perfection or virtue .

The tall or elevated thus appears linked as the sublime: “No less could be expected from a writer of his height,” “The interviewee answered the questions with great height.”

The town of Altura

In the same way, we cannot ignore that in Spain, and more specifically in the autonomous community of Valencia, belonging to the province of Castellón, there is a town called Altura. It is a town of approximately 4,000 inhabitants, which has the category of Royal Villa and has an interesting architectural and artistic heritage.

Specifically, whoever visits Altura cannot miss such unique enclaves as the Sanctuary of the Holy Cave or the Charterhouse of Vall de Cristo, which dates back to the 14th century.

Other uses of the concept

In geometry , height is the distance between a face (or side) of a plane figure and the point (or vertex) that is furthest away following a perpendicular course. The term also names the line or segment that makes it possible to measure said distance.

Finally, it can be said that pitch is also one of the qualities of tone .