Definition of



Renting a home is a necessity for those who do not have a property.

Rental is the action and effect of renting . The concept derives from the Hispanic Arabic alkirá or alkirí , which in turn comes from the classical Arabic kira , and is also used to name the price at which something is rented.

The verb rent, for its part, consists of paying a sum agreed upon between the parties to use a property or furniture for a certain period of time , although unfortunately it is also possible for an animal to be rented, as if from a thing would be about. This practice is usually governed by a lease agreement, which imposes rights and obligations on both parties.

Rental contract

In its most basic sense, the rental or lease contract obliges the lessor (or lessor) to temporarily transfer the use of a piece of furniture or property to the lessee (or lessee ), who is obliged to pay a certain price for that use.

This price can be paid periodically (for example, monthly ), which constitutes an income . Another alternative is for the price to be paid in one go , either at the beginning or at the end of the rental.

It is also possible that the price is not paid in money, but in kind . This modality is common when what is rented is a field or a farm, and the tenant pays with the crops or products obtained from the exploitation of the rented thing.

The lessor is in a position to demand the termination of the contract in the event of non-payment of rent, use of the leased property in violation of the agreement or serious damage that the lessee could cause to the leased property.


Car rental is common in many tourist destinations.

Loans for the purchase of a property

In some countries it is very common to request loans from the bank to embark on the purchase of a house, and this custom has decreased significantly in recent years given the different economic problems that are associated with the so-called global crisis.

Many people planned their lives around this practice, through which they could get a home and one or more cars as soon as they became independent from their parents, with the convenience of paying for their possessions over several decades. All the happiness and ease that this lifestyle may have meant at some point has become a torture that has led some to suicide due to the impossibility of paying off their debts.

Housing rental

Opposite to the situation of this sector of the population is that of those who depend on rent to have a home or part of it, in the case of those who rent a room. For a long time these people have been looked down upon, pointing out that they do not care about building a future, and comparing paying rent to wasting money.

However, today, those who settle for a roof, even if it is not their own, and try to enjoy their life are more cautious than those who, in the desire to settle permanently in a place, risk their physical and mental health to submit to the payment. of a mortgage .

The case of movies and video games

In addition to houses and cars, other products that are commonly found for rent are movies and video games. In both cases, their popularity decreased considerably since piracy became widespread and became accessible to everyone, either through illegal downloads on the Internet or sales on public roads.

Outside of the percentage of losses generated by theft from the film and entertainment industries, legal income does not represent an important source of profit either, but rather of promotion.